- Enemies now interrupt their lasers in progress when changing phase
- Epic boss fights happen in larger areas
- Improved tooltips of auras and item to give remaining time or occurrences before next effect trigger
- Fixed an issue with instant damage bonus percents calculations
- Player now becomes briefly intangible, repulses enemies and destroys all enemy live projectiles when levelling up
- Added a feedback on lots of effects
- Updated altars behaviours to prevent players from paying its unlock cost without setting a gem after
- Fixed some issues in the order of effects applying so that a spell dealing instant damage and firing projectiles doesn't target enemies that just got killed by the instant damages with the projectiles
- Updated enemies to better showcase their level with different colors
- Renamed the Cascade effect to Chainfire
- Made all projectiles a bit bigger
- Created a new "bleed" keyword to replace "dealing instant damage to yourself"
- When chainfiring projectiles several times, projectiles from each of those times are fired together instead of separately (but at the same frame), so that effects applying "when you fire projectiles" apply to all of them
- Added some new Shield shenanigans
- Big polish pass on UI, still fully placeholder, but less ugly
- Fixed a display issue in new unlocked groups of spells and artifacts when the screen isn't 16:9
- Fixed a bug where you could get artifacts twice from a single chest
- Tons of tweaks on enemies, spells and artifacts
Please note that no update is planned in a near future, and playtest might even be deactivated soon, as it played its role for now.
Changed files in this update