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Gas Station Simulator update for 9 February 2024

It's time to talk about some Shady Deals🥷

Share · View all patches · Build 13417298 · Last edited 9 February 2024 – 18:09:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hey, Gas Jockeys! ⛽

It's been a while since we last talked about the Shady Deals DLC, and we think it's high time to unveil a bit of the curtain of what's going on in the shadows. Get ready to be immersed in a nightlife that never sleeps - All the Dots Pub, a place where boredom is a foreign concept and the night is always young.

All the Dots Pub is the heart of this DLC, a bustling epicenter of late-night skirmishes, gangs, and rivers of spilled alcohol. Imagine a place where the air is saturated with the spirit of rebellion, the floors are sticky with the remnants of the night gone by, and every evening is a story waiting to be written. Drunken customers, disgruntled bartenders, and busy staff set the stage for an experience unlike any other. And what could be more enticing than the chance to run this chaotic haven yourself?

Let's delve into the finer details of what makes the Shady Deals a must-have gas station simulator:

First, All the Dots Pub: This is no ordinary pub; it's your battlefield, kingdom, and challenge. Amid the pride and alcohol fumes, you'll encounter thugs who seem to come out of the shadows. All the Dots Pub is a melting pot of history, conflict, and opportunity, offering a unique blend of management and mayhem.

As we mentioned thugs, how about them:

Secondly, the Gangs: Coyotes, Haters, Bears, Clowns, Security. The streets outside your pub are a chessboard, and the gangs are the players. We're only scratching the surface here, but expect fierce competition as various groups vie for control and influence. Each gang brings its own flavor to the mix, creating a dynamic street scene that will directly impact your pub's fortunes.

What can you expect from these shadowy figures and rival gangs? Without giving too much away, let's just say that managing a pub in the midst of this will require more than just serving drinks. It will be about forging alliances, understanding the delicate balance of power, and maybe, just maybe, taking a side.

The Shady Deals is a deep dive into the underbelly of nightlife, where every decision can tip the scales of power. It’s a world where the night never ends, the drinks never stop flowing, and the stories never cease to amaze.

~Your humble marketing guy – Sewek

Changed depots in qa-branch branch

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macOS Gas Station Simulator Mac Depot 1149622
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