This update gives better casualty reports from global enchantments, now reporting the number of commanders killed as well as the names of up to three of the most important ones. A crash bug that could affect Windows users trying to resize the game's window has also been squashed. In addition to many more bug fixes this version also introduces a pair of new commanders for early age T'ien Ch'i and a few new commands for modders.
- New sword master commanders for EA T'ien Ch'i
- Windows version could sometimes crash on window resize or alt-tab
- Global enchantments now gives improved information on which commanders died from them
- Fixes for local network games + mods. More fixes needed.
- Linux now also has a popup error message box if the game should crash
- Enable Rivers button activated map selection, fixed
- Fix for confused units striking at location too far away
- Exiting quick started lobby game now returns to network menu
- Getting awe from leadership items more difficult, limit 100 -> 200
- Clockworks never fatigue over 150 automatically
- Can no longer see used resources from other players' forts
- Cold resistance buff gave +5 extra resistance
- Magic site population bonus printed in population growth breakdown
- Disabled become AI didn't work in network lobby
- Ranged weapon with fatigue cost no longer adds unit's encumbrance
- Spell AI could cast nightsight buffs on units with perfect darkvision, fixed
- Fix for supplies shown incorrectly on 't' screen
- Improved main map responsiveness for huge games
- Power of Death bonuses shown in stats
- Power of Death didn't give MR, fixed
- Never healing wound and similar HP reductions no longer reduce HP from armor
- Immobiles can no longer be buffed to fly
- Could appoint new prophet while he was resurrecting (immortality), fixed
- Reduced CPU usage in research screen
- No global enchantment effects on outer planes
- Fixes for coastal recruitment that could incorrectly be done outside forts too
- Fixes for missing terrain requirement popups in nation info
- The void is now magic scale 5 (was 3)
- Muspelheim can now also get longdead giants
- Improved errors from failed lobby game creation
- Changes to Demon Lords magic paths (intended glamour changes were missing)
- Some Jomonese summons got glamour fixes
- Event hero Fadmarghast got a Storm Armor that gives storm immunity to mount
- God Spider is now stealthy
- Stat, event and typo fixes
- New event commands: #forcegold, #forceexactgold, #force1d3vis...
- Print some more non-standard terrain combinations in province info
- Mod parser now converts all tabs to spaces
- Bless modding: #name didn't work
- Nation modding: #coastfortrec, #coastfortcom didn't work
- #worldshape didn't work
Changed files in this update