Greetings, worthy Souls!
The final patch on Soul Survivor: Trials of the Goddess' development roadmap is here, wrapping up the last few months of accumulated feedback from players as well as a few features that weren't able to make it into the game at launch time.
A handful of text box formatting bugs were squashed, as well as an error which prevented some skills from being permanently learned by consuming Skill Points. The file size of the game client has also been reduced by about 20% by removing some unused files. Map fragments now properly carry over between save files after completing the game. An item in Chapter 1, Area 3 had a broken auto-equip script which is now fixed.
On the features side, a few exciting things have been added:
- A new skill, Preparation, has been added to bolster low-level magic users - while specifically designed for Support casters, multiple builds may find a use for the additional MP economy it brings
- Skills with slow cast times have been tagged in the description box, making it easier to find that information in battle (previously it could only be seen from the Skill menu)
- The Magic Defense growth of some mid-to-high level foes has been reduced to be more in line with player Magic scaling
- The Extended Effect skill now adds a bonus to positive State durations added to the player, and the skill description has been updated accordingly (previously it only extended negative States inflicted on enemies)
As always, if any bugs or support issues should arise I will do my best to address them in a timely manner. Barring that, however, there are no further content updates planned for the game.
It has been a long and rewarding journey, and I hope players continue to enjoy Soul Survivor: Trials of the Goddess as much as I've enjoyed developing it.
Thank you for your downloads, comments, reviews, and support throughout the life of this project!
Changed files in this update