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Apollyon: River of Life update for 9 February 2024

Apollyon 2.1 Released!

Share · View all patches · Build 13410790 · Last edited 9 February 2024 – 04:09:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Black magic is back at it again, with the left-handed path returning with a 2.1 update! Here we have stability and balance fixes, three brand new spirits, a new character upgrade, and a fifth, hidden ending to the game!

Experience network issues? Fixed!
Experience too many deaths early? Fixed!
Experience total confusion, or total invulnerability? Fixed?
Experience the end of the world? Not. Fixed. That one's on you!

The primary complaint I've heard with Apollyon is that they do not have time in their first ritual to understand the rules before getting ambushed by any number of horror from the outer dark. To remedy this, the Apollyic ritual shall tempt new practitioners into the fold with powers and boons... only to revoke them later when you most depend upon them!

A couple of players made a genius suggestion, and so it has been implemented! Using the keys 1, 2, 3, and Tab, the player can now navigate the Spirit cards without using the mouse! It sounds simple but it truly improves game flow, try it yourself!

Additionally, the Veiled Practitioner has been buffed, and can be upgraded into the Learned Practitioner! This character retains the primary benefit of the Veiled Practitioner in the fact that it is twice as likely to pull spirit cards that lead to new character unlocks

Lastly, and perhaps most foolishly, a nasty server error was buried within a player's game logs, and through unearthing it, Apollyon now utilizes 90% less network traffic! Disconnecting and reconnecting mid-game is now quicker than ever, taking only 1.5 seconds in our tests (rather than the erroneous 30-120).

A reminder that bugs and suggestions can be reported in the Steam Community channels or our theplanardanse discord channel.

That is all from the River of Life, but the universe of the Planar Danse continues! Amidst our sixteen-and-one worlds, there are many stories to be told, including a novel yet to be announced, and the brand-new, just announced, second game from theplanardanse.

Skeletons rise in the Skulltide! Join them today!

Apollyon: River of Life Content Depot 1472061
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