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Ostranauts update for 13 February 2024

Ostranauts Hotfix Patch ( Is Live!

Share · View all patches · Build 13409249 · Last edited 13 February 2024 – 19:09:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey Folks!

Ostranauts v0.13.0.15 is now available on Steam, and your clients should be updating shortly.

This is a hotfix update to our recently released "Lucky Number 13" update, which addresses inventory issues, docking fees, and meat spawn rates.

Most of these changes should be compatible with older 0.13 saves. Though if that save has already had the goatman encounter, some of those effects won't be seen until a new game is started. (See below for some tricks to edit your save.)

  • Fixed a bug that could cause inventory windows to close intermittently when controlling crew and the captain was moving.
  • Fixed a bug that caused audio to cut out intermittently while controlling crew and captain was doing EVA.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause inventory container stack to be drawn incorrectly when picked up from the ground via quick action button.
  • Fixed bug that prevented quick action buttons from updating when item moved between inventory containers and slots via mouse.
  • Fixed a bug that caused ships to deny docking permission when they are a gig delivery target.
  • Fixed a bug that caused docking fees to continue forever after undocking with a stolen ship.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented NPCs from Fleeing in some situations.
  • Fixed several typos in game data.
  • Fixed a bug that failed to close the trade UI when a trader is closing for restocking.
  • Changed the trader code to force them to restock if an NPC becomes a new trader later in the game.

Plus some potential spoiler changes and fixes:

  • Changed goatman final encounter to stop new meat derelicts from appearing.
  • Changed meat derelicts to be less common before the final encounter.
  • Added Pray action to altar, so cultists that meet the Goatman can use altars to pray for more meat after.
  • Changed default meat infestation spawn size to be smaller.
  • Added new conditions to let player configure meat spawning rules via F3 console.

One of the more annoying bugs players have reported involved inventory windows closing intermittently. And thanks to some players reporting hints on reproducing the bugs, we think we've fixed it!

Basically, the inventory UI was assuming the character that first opened it was still the one using it. So if the player had multiple crew and was using the inventory, it could detect the wrong character's range and close containers without warning.

Related to this issue, audio effects for the captain could take over what the player hears when controlling other crew. The sound would appear to cut out for crew randomly, but it turned out to be caused by the captain going in and out of EVA.

There were also a few bugs related to item stacks and Quick Action Buttons available on items not updated when the item was picked up using a QAB.

We found the cause of perpetual docking fees after undocking, as well. This appeared to be due to ships not being owned by the player, and the station was using that to detect when to release the recurring docking fee cycle.

We also fixed a number of plot-related things, which we've surrounded in spoiler tags in case people don't want to ruin the surprise. For those that don't mind reading spoilers, we have some more information about patching your save to take advantage of them.

If you wish to edit your save to take advantage of the new plot variables, you can use the F3 console to query and/or add conditions to your character. For reference, the new conditions affecting meat spawn rates are:

  • StatNoMeat = For every point of this condition on the player, a normally-occurring meat derelict will be meat-free. E.g. 10 of this stat will stop the next 10 occurrences.
  • StatMeatRate = When the player does encounter a meat derelict, this many StatNoMeat points are added to the player.
  • StatMeatBlobMax = The largest starting meat blob size on a new meat derelict.

Adding a cond to a character works like this:
addcond Firstname_Lastname CondName 1

Where Firstname_Lastname is your character's name separated by underscores instead of spaces, and CondName is the stat you want to add (both are case sensitive). And the "1" is however many you want to add.

Note that if you are simply editing the current selected character, you can omit the name entirely, and the game will assume you meant the controlled character. Also, negative numbers remove.

You can also query the conds on your character in the same way:
getcond Firstname_Lastname CondName

This will report how many of CondName is on your character (if any). As above, you can skip the name if you just want the current selected character. And you can do a partial search this way to get, for example, all conditions starting with "Stat".

As always, there's plenty more for us to fix, change, and add! And we'll be continuing in roughly that order. In the meantime, let us know if this patch helps you out, as well as if it reveals new problems!

Daniel Fedor
Founder, Blue Bottle Games, LLC

Windows 32-bit Ostranauts Content Depot 1022981
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