Another round of bug fixes for ya! And some balancing sprinkled in too, for flavor. Thanks again to everyone providing bug reports and feedback.
- soul trainer spell now requires first waypoint spell to learn instead of sorcerers school spell
- familiar cap base value decreased to 2 from 3
- first waypoint spell now requires village upgrade spell, crystal quarry spell, and herbalist spell to learn instead of familiar home spell
- familiar home spell now requires first waypoint spell to learn
- familiar home recipe cost increased to crystal x5 from crystal x3
- fixed corpses and advancements functioning with the autosorter
- fixed [REDACTED]'s cards sometimes becoming misaligned
- fixed [REDACTED]'s cards sometimes causing a crash when defeated by a stack of familiars
- fixed golden quest not granting achievement for chaos witch
- fixed forests having a below average chance to spawn compared to other land cards
- fixed Chaos Witch's flameblood spell not being consistent with its 1hp cost
- hud witch health now shows proper damage taken effect when flameblood spell is used
Changed files in this update