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Tits and Shadows update for 8 February 2024

Notas de Parche de Tits and Shadows - Actualización Importante

Share · View all patches · Build 13406749 · Last edited 8 February 2024 – 19:09:28 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

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Tits and Shadows Patch Notes - Important Update

Greetings, Tits and Shadows adventurers!

We are excited to present to you an update that marks a milestone on the path to the future of our beloved game. Here are the highlights:

New Challenges in the Frozen Mountain:

We have expanded the Frozen Mountain with two new floors featuring unique puzzles. Get ready to test your skills!

Additional Challenges in the Labyrinth:

Existing floors in the Frozen Mountain have undergone significant changes. Now, you will encounter additional traps that add a new level of challenge to the labyrinth.

Improvements in Battle Skills:

Skills that remove altered states now also recover hit points. This will increase their utility in combat, encouraging strategic use.

Adjustments to the Negative State IRA:

We have modified the parameters of the negative state IRA to be removed upon receiving any amount of damage, hoping to avoid the "Could not find scope" error.

Discover Your New Allies:

We have added a screen that will provide you with information about new characters joining your party, including details about their special abilities. This way, you can plan your team in advance.

Feedback on Becky's Dialogues:

In two specific areas of the forest, we have added dialogues from Becky to evaluate their reception among players. This will help us adjust the pace and frequency of character dialogues in the game.

Changes to the Main Story:

The entire initial part of the game up to the fight with the wendigo has been modified. We have added new events, dialogues, and illustrations to enrich the gaming experience. We are eager to hear your opinions on these changes, as they will affect the development of the main story and the treatment of other characters in the future.

New Requirements for Becky's Interactions:

With the changes in the story, the way Becky and Hero "join" has been altered. Now, to unlock Becky's previous interactions, it will be necessary to complete her mission and decipher the clues left by Grandfather Philip at the top of the castle in the Frozen Mountain.

Your Opinion Matters:

We look forward to hearing your opinions about the future of Tits and Shadows. Your feedback is essential for the continuous development of the game.

Special Event in CDMX:

Furthermore, we would like to inform you that we will be present at the Hentai expo "Ara Ara" in CDMX this weekend, where you will have the opportunity to acquire official merchandise from Tits and Shadows. Don't miss out!

Thank you for being part of this exciting adventure. Have a wonderful weekend filled with fun and excitement!

The Tits and Shadows Development Team

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