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Warsim: The Realm of Aslona update for 8 February 2024

Warsim 1.1.3 (Challenge Mode, Terraton Arena, Battle Opinion System and more!)

Share · View all patches · Build 13405929 · Last edited 8 February 2024 – 17:09:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey guys, so I've been busier these last few months that usual and I can finally share why!

For years now I have been working on Warsim fulltime but finally a few months ago I began the process of working on another game project which I'm super excited for but wont be officially announcing for quite some time (I want to have something awesome to show for it before I bring it to light)

Alongside that I have been actively practicing with my mates and formed a punk band and we played our first ever gig a few weeks back and another since, been a wild experience so far!

So inbetween the new game, the band, and general life stuff I've not been the most on it with Warsim that I have the last few years but that never means that Warsim is forgotten, case and point this update and many more like it! I will never not be indebted to the Warsim community for the support in life it has given me for more than half a decade now :)

So on to the update and it's a juicy one, we've got a new god tier upgrade to the Arena, a new public opinion loss system from battle, new necromancy events, a few new encounters and bug fixes, and finally 4 new challenge modes!!

CHALLENGE MODE (5 features)

The crowning feature of the update imo, a whole heap of new game starts. Warsim a little too easy? Have a crack at these new challenges! I will personally definitely be using the Empire challenge and Deatheater ones for a bit of fun, the races that occupy the deatheater kingdoms are still random so the results will be interesting.

  • Added new challenge mode screen on main menu
  • Added Empire challenge mode (All rival factions are significantly bigger than default)
  • Added 2 year challenge mode (Play the game for 2 years)
  • Added Deatheater challenge (All kingdoms are deatheaters)
  • Added Deatheater empire challenge (All kingdoms are empires of deatheaters)

TERRATON ARENA (8 features)

If you own the colossal arena and have a terraton of gold spare, you can now upgrade the arena to something even grander than before and with it among a whole host of benefits is the ability to run your own custom fights between any units you want!

  • Added ability to upgrade Arena to Terraton Arena
  • Added 100 total fights per year to terraton Arena
  • Added +100k visitor cap to terraton Arena
  • Added ability to host custom fights in terraton arena
  • Added custom fighter category with 9 default units
  • Added custom fighter categories for all 5 indie kingdoms
  • Added custom fighter category for all merc groups and leaders
  • Added custom fighter category for custom units of your choice


A great suggestion by Warsim community legend TJ, Now after any battle you partake in you gain or lose public opinion dynamically depending on the outcome, so a series of bad losses can be all it takes to ruin your reputation, but a series of victories can improve the reputation of any unloved ruler!

  • Added public opinion loss of 1 for losing to an army bigger than you (credit TJtheSoundBoard)
  • Added public opinion loss of 2 for losing to an army the same size as you (credit TJtheSoundBoard)
  • Added public opinion loss of 3 for losing to an army smaller than you (credit TJtheSoundBoard)
  • Added bonus public op loss of 1 if over 1000 of your troops were killed (credit TJtheSoundBoard)
  • Added bonus public op loss of 2 if over 2500 of your troops were killed (credit TJtheSoundBoard)
  • Added bonus public op loss of 3 if over 5000 of your troops were killed (credit TJtheSoundBoard)
  • Added bonus public op loss of 4 if over 10000 of your troops were killed (credit TJtheSoundBoard)
  • Added bonus public op loss of 5 if over 25000 of your troops were killed (credit TJtheSoundBoard)
  • Added public opinion gain of 1 for beating a smaller army (credit TJtheSoundBoard)
  • Added public opinion gain of 2 for beating an equal army (credit TJtheSoundBoard)
  • Added public opinion gain of 4 for beating a larger army (credit TJtheSoundBoard)

NECROQUENCES (10 features)

Necromancy is still insanely powerful so I've added a few more debuffs in the form of random events!

  • Added necro consequence event system (extremely likely with 1mill or more undead, scaling down 500k, 100k, 50k, 25k, 10k, 5k, 2.5k each getting less and less likely)
  • Added chance of a loose band of random peasants revolting against your undead (50-550)
  • Added chance of warband of random peasants revolting against your undead (550-3050)
  • Added chance of scaled army of random peasants revolting against your undead (scaled similarly to your total undead)
  • Added ability to tell peasant armies to stand down or die (30/70 success/fail odds)
  • Added ability to accept peasant demands and wipe out your undead for public opinion gain
  • Added ability to fight peasants immediately upon confrontation
  • Added chance of wily necromancer stealing 5% of your undead
  • Added chance of cunning necromancer stealing 20% of your undead
  • Added chance of arch-necromancer stealing all of your undead


At the top of some proc gen mountains in the lands beyond you may now find an eggy surprise

  • Added cracked eggs mountain top discovery (credit LXI)
  • Added golden eggs mountain top discovery (credit LXI)
BUGFIXES (9 bug fixes)

As always thank you to the legends who report these all the time, I hate seeing them but I love fixin' em

  • Fixed 7 text bugs with goblin fluent human bet (credit Carcassone)
  • Fixed Zeefs screen kick bug (credit Clyax)
  • Fixed join your text bug in bandit rising encounter (credit Vordan)
  • Fixed Bippy Booble text bug (Credit Crabboh)
  • Fixed Tispy Tweet text bug (Credit Crabboh)
  • Fixed Goblinwood Ogre text bug (Credit Crabboh)
  • Fixed Maze Vampire text bug (Credit Crabboh)
  • Fixed Blackmarket leader text bug (Credit Crabboh)
  • Fixed error in 6 instances of Willy willy wonder king book (Credit Crabboh)

If you have any thoughts comments or encouragement leave a comment, I try to always reply! Also check out our discord which is constantly active and has become the defacto hub for Warsim's community these days! Link here -

Thank you all very much!

Huw <3

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