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Sengoku Dynasty update for 8 February 2024

Kintsugi Update Spotlight 4: Daily Production

Share · View all patches · Build 13405422 · Last edited 8 February 2024 – 20:33:40 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Get ready for a small revolution - starting with the Kintsugi update, your villagers will produce and consume resources each day. As time passes through the season, your workers will provide you with surplus resources once per day.

Until now, the game focused on you, as the player character, supplementing any goods that your Dynasty couldn't produce fast enough, with Dynasty production happening at the end of the season.

With the new progression update mentioned in the previous spotlight, you'll need more villagers (recruitable from the start). The more people you have, the more they consume, and the more you need to produce to satisfy their needs. We want you to have more control over Dynasty production by making it happen more often. This allows you to react to stock shortages faster, adapt to situations more easily, and receive more feedback on your production chains.

Daily Dynasty Production comes with a few smaller changes and features:

AI improvements: Workers are more responsive, ensuring they all have tasks when assigned. AI improvements extend to other NPCs, making them behave more realistically.

Workplace shortcuts: New workplaces are easier to understand and come with shortcuts on the Interaction UI to see current assignments and open the job popup directly.

Removing the efficiency modifier based on happiness: The efficiency of your workers will be more reliable without constant small changes due to happiness. A major rework of the Happiness system is in progress.

Consolidation and simplification of workplaces in buildings: Workplaces are moved to corresponding furniture instead of being in the production building, making gameplay smoother.

Removing workplace assignment for the Player Character: You, as the player character, won't be able to participate in Dynasty Production anymore. You can still craft and produce in real-time.

Various smaller Quality of Life improvements: Changes include removing the season change popup, marking the end of work on the time-of-day bar, and improving workplace status notifications.

Superkami is busy, and these are not the only production changes. More big changes are coming, so stay tuned! Let us know your thoughts on the above changes!

Changed depots in devmain branch

View more data in app history for build 13405422
Windows 64-bit Depot 1702011
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