Hello everyone,
I am thrilled to announce the release of my latest game update, which not only brings a host of enhancements and fixes but also introduces an exciting new feature that I've been working on for a while: the Campaign Editor. This powerful tool is designed to unleash your creativity, allowing you to craft the medieval campaigns of your dreams. I will upload a guide soon detailing the basics of using the campaign editor and sharing your campaign.
The main features of this update are:
- Campaign Editor: Now you can create your own custom campaigns!
- Steam Workshop Support: Share your custom campaigns easily with others via the Steam Workshop.
- Workshop File Updates: Update existing files directly, making it simpler to improve your campaigns based on feedback or new ideas.
- Skin Color Support: All units now have skin color customization options.
- New Landscapes: Fight across desert valleys, gravel deserts, and mountainous terrains.
- Unit Size Variation: All recruited units will now have a slightly different amount of units, making the battles feel more realistic.
- UI Improvements: Increased visibility for various battle UI elements and added army size numbers at the start of battles.
- Settlement Interface Enhancements: New details about total garrison size and ready garrison size now included.
I've also made several fixes and improvements across the board to ensure a smoother gameplay experience.
Your feedback has been invaluable, and I am excited to see what you'll create and share with the new Campaign Editor.
Thank you for your continued support!
If you run into any issues/crashes or have suggestions, always feel free to let me know!
Full Changelog:
- Add Campaign editor
- Add steamworkshop support for custom campaigns
- Add file updates for workshop files: if you are working on a file you have already uploaded you will update the current files
- Add skin color support for all units
- Add desert valley landscape
- Add gravel desert landscape
- Add mountains landscape
- Add variation in unit sizes
- Add sand particles to formations in desert battles
- Remove Frisian heavy riders
- Increase visiblity of various battle UI elements
- Improve performance on campaign maps
- Add army size numbers to start of battle
- Add total garrison size and ready garrison size to settlement interface
- Add grid to factions in campaign menu
- Add grid to factions in campaign list
- Add background to battle button prompts
- Refactor campaign save files
- Add mountains landscape slot for settlements
- Add desert landscape slot for settlements
- Add new building trees
- Add more variety to feudal unit models
- Add middle 13th century crusader knight unit for custom factions
- Increase visibility of controls when moving formations
- Improve look of start siege prompt
- Add open coif chainmail variation for custom officers
- Add historical scabbard and scabbard belt for swords
- Add long surcoat variation for custom officers
- Add option to invert mouse Y axis
- Tweak text shadows on interface
- Remove siege destruction option from menu
- Tweak siege voice commands
- Improve ministerial color masks
- Fix unit possession logic
- Fix faction leader unit logic for custom factions and campaigns
- Fix campaign camera movement alignment
- Fix enemy officer portraits having player heraldry
- Fix flag owner text color for custom factions
- Fix settlement flag not updating correctly after hiring units
- Fix formations showing wrong amount of units in interface
- Fix possessed unit heraldry
- Fix scabbard physics
- Fix ministerial torch unit using old model
- Fix game crashing when custom factions uses emblem or heraldry background that is deleted
- Fix negative resource income values on hardest campaign difficulty
Changed files in this update