Hey Survivors!
We are back with another update and it's going to be a big one!
This update tries to fix a lot of issues from previous builds and change the way you interact with the world. We have tried to improve the experience in both PVE and PVP on the dedicated servers with a new clan system and using the spawn point as a territory for your base. Not forgetting the new weapon attachment system and a whole host of changes and improvements.
We had some great feedback from the community during our experimental branch test of this update and based on their feedback have added some features brought to our attention during the test.
Server Update:
There will be updates and changes made to the Official Servers during this update, some servers will now be classed as hardcore servers having less loot, more zeeks, and harder difficulty.
- Weapon Attachments (New craftable weapons bench required)
New weapon attachments can be found in the world and only attached to certain guns via the weapon bench. Suppressors offer reduced sound and distance and scopes offer different zoom ranges. Flashlight and laser share the battery usage from your on-player flashlight. - Clan system added with building and territory restrictions.
Spawn point radius sets the territory and players outside of clan cannot build in your territory. (adding players to group still works as before to show your map location) - New lootable Containers.(Police changing room lockers, Desktop PCs and bedroom cabinets)
- Empty water bottles added for various functions.
Empty bottles can be obtained from consuming water bottles or coola bottles and can be found in the world. Rain collector, Toilet, Water Dispenser now function differently allowing you to add your empty bottles to collect clean/dirty water from them. - Added container highlighting option (help for new players).
- New large craftable cupboard storage box added.
- New Mushroom soup recipe added to the cooking stove.
- Fall damage has now been added.
- New Lighter item added for igniting fires.
- New spawn location near Errington added.
- Gas station fuel pumps UI updated with new progress bar.
- Vehicle fuel UI updated with new progress bar.
- Spawn Point decays over time (Needs to be repaired or eventually will be destroyed)
- You can now dismantle props in all houses.
- Ranged weapons have undergone changes to work with the new weapon attachment system.
- Rain collector now requires empty bottles to collect water. (Rain fills up over time)
- Toilet water (dirty water) can be collected using empty bottles.
- You can now collect dirty water from lakes (Hold Interact to collect and empty bottle required)
- Military weapon crate model changed for in game looting.
- Optimised humans and zombies by disabling death physics. (Dead bodies stay around longer).
- Fixed human AI not taking correct damage (ex can't kill AI with a shotgun from point blank).
- Change to improve grappling on dedicated servers.
- When cars are locked the storage of the vehicle is also locked with it.
- Improvised torch now uses durability when lit.
- Improvements to stop zombies spawning inside bases.
- Farming saturation drain rate reduced.
- Improvements to certain audio effects.
- Improvements to some of the consume animations (No more dropping empty bottle on the floor)
- Zombiegini sports cars variants now perform slightly differently to each other.
- Zombiegini storage and engine locations have changed to match real life :).
- Free starting skill point removed.
- Options to turn item and container highlighting off.
- Highlight colour options can be set in settings/gameplay.
- Added option to connect to servers via IP.
- Added option to favourite servers and use favourite filter.
- Added highlighting to selected seed type on farming UI.
- Updates and corrections to localization.
- Repairing guns with a gun repair kit also repairs attachments (increased if you're the gunsmith).
- Pressing G near the generator shows you the interaction ring of which the generator can reach.
- Removed eagle eye skill. (Group invite now allows you to see your friends on the map).
- Gas masks can no longer be repaired with a sewing kit.
- Drag and drop slot highlighting added.
- Improvements to size of harvesting location on all animals.
- In world items highlighting distance has been increased.
- Items can now be dropped from containers.
- Improvements to controller support. (Settings/Gameplay: We suggest you use “movement” control system for controller use) this is WIP so feedback on controller movement and controls are welcome.
- Fixed for master chef skill causing hunger to increase faster.
- Fixed advanced locks being picked by human ai bandits.
- Fixed backpack disappearing issue.
- Fixed House missing barricade sockets not allowing barricades to be attached.
- Fixed generator not replicating power radius on dedicated servers.
- Fixed exploit with ammo not updating when transferring to a container and switching to a gun.
- Fixed toggle not working for night vision goggles.
- Fixed the wrong tooltip button while looting backpacks.
- Fixed bird watcher skill.
- Fixed ranged weapon durability not decreasing in dedicated servers.
- Fixed crafting lockpick and not removing screwdriver item.
- Fixed crafting car repair kit and not removing screwdriver item.
- Fixed crafting sewing kit and not removing scissors item.
- Fixed open/close gate text which breaks advanced locks.
- Fixed Hitbox of enemy dog.
- Fixed throwables going to slot 3.
- Fixed items spawning with 0% durability.
- Fixed Prison doors state not saving.
- Fixed weight not updating when transferring vehicle parts.
- Fixed issues with dogs not reacting to dropped food.
- Fixed issues with dogs not being claimed.
- Fixed mines stopping cars driving over them.
- Fixed players clipping into SUV.
- Adjustments made with explosive damage to structures in PVP.
- Development for multi-story building gameplay is in testing.
- Map optimization and level streaming to improve performance.
- Quest system.
- Steam Deck development.
- Improved controller/gamepad support.
For those playing HumanitZ right now, your feedback is INCREDIBLY important to us - we take notes on everything you tell us. If you would like to leave us feedback in the form of a Steam review, it helps us tremendously. You can also join our Discord below to connect with other players and follow along with our development.
Changed files in this update