+New map images
+New special bidding options:
- Huong will help you train your body to temporarily increase your flirting success rate for the next 3 days.
- Melissa can use her position as Resident Assistant for the dorms to mark doors for you
*Increased DOM storage space (If you have had issues saving past a point, this should help)
*Diminish is now an ongoing effect, occurring on its own every night without the need for the player to continue making contact with the individual after the initial Diminishing
*Decreased the effectiveness of the Charismatic trait (will not affect existing characters)
*Each killed husk will now provide a bonus to Hope, but also a slight increase to suspicion
*Increased the likelihood of looting an Identity or Genitalia essence from a husk, as well as the likelihood to get a desired essence via Hope
*Male NPCs should no longer obtain negative dick/girth sizes
*Fixed bug that could prevent NPCs from retrieving items while doing your bidding
*Fixed bug in the essence looting system that could cause certain duplicate essences to both be rerolled
*Revised the ideal body questionnaire, plus it now includes vagina and breast size options.
*The boiler room will now display how many husks the player has from each dorm
*Fixed issue where using ichor on a potential husk could lead to a screen with no links
*Taking a husk's Identity will now completely wipe suspicion (instead of relieving just up to 30 of it), and the functionality of taking their name and appearance has also been restored
*The Exit Husk link during possession scenes will no longer show if a new route to continue is uncovered before the scene ends
*Various minor format adjustments
-Removed some unreferenced code
Changed files in this update