In celebration of our one year anniversary since release today is a good day for a content update to Tower Walker. There is major improvements to the combat engine with a reworked targeting system. We have added critical hit damage as a new stat to the game. We also added heroic dungeon quests, 11 new rings, 3 new potions, and 3 new pets to collect. Enjoy!
Stay awhile and grind!
Here are the patch notes (1.0081.4707):
- ADDED new character stat "Crit damage" (Increases total critical hit damage. Base 1.5x/150% for all characters at level 1)
- Added 11 new rings
- Added 3 new pets
- Added 3 new potions
- Reworked targeting system in the combat engine (Affects all player classes)
- Added "Broken Ring of Crit Power"
- Added "Copper Ring of Crit Power"
- Added "Iron Ring of Crit Power"
- Added "Gold Ring of Crit Power"
- Added "Magical Ring of Crit Power"
- Added "Superior Ring of Crit Power"
- Added "Powerful Ring of Crit Power"
- Added "Ancient Ring of Crit Power"
- Added "Dragon Ring of Crit Power"
- Added "Mythic Ring of Crit Power"
- Added "Celestial Ring of Crit Power"
- Added "Potion of Dominance"
- Added "Potion of the Vampire"
- Added "Potion of Quickness"
- Tweaks to increase total sell cost for higher tier S-grade armor
- Tweaks to increase total sell cost for higher tier S-grade helmets
- Added heroic quest "OPEN THE ABYSS GATE PORTAL"
- Added heroic quest "DEFEAT JUGGERNAUT"
- Added heroic quest "DEFEAT EYE OF MOORTUS"
- Added heroic quest "DEFEAT DEMONLORD ARANOX"
- Added heroic quest "ENTER HIDDEN ROOM ON FLOOR 69"
- Added heroic quest "DEFEAT ARCHDRUID DRAYDIAC"
- Added heroic quest "DEFEAT TAEDMORDEN FLOWER"
- Added heroic quest "DEFEAT FORESTLORD KORGANOS" (Repeatable)
- Added Galli (Pet Summon) - Drop in tower
- Added Archi (Pet Summon) - Drop in tower
- Added Hornet (Pet Summon) - Ascension reward
- Currently summoned pets now display different icon in inventory
- Tweaks to Turtle(Pet Summon), now gives double amount of armor per level
- Tweaks to Lystro(Pet Summon), now gives double amount of resistance per level
- Added "Potion of Dominance" crafting
- Added "Potion of the Vampire" crafting
- Added "Potion of Quickness" crafting
- Tweaks to increase crafting speed bonuses
- Improved character combat targeting system, enemy tracking and selection
- Player character now retarget enemies slightly faster
- Swarming waves "Elementals & Bees" damage in both dungeons "Abyss & Garden" has been slightly reduced
- Fixed enemy collider issue in dungeon "Abyss"
- Added hover description for "Madraxxas blessing" tier 1 to 3
- Added "Celestial Ring of Crit Power" to "Archdruids" faction NPC shop
- Removed "Celestial Ring of Dodge" from "Archdruids" faction NPC shop
- Added 3 zoom camera settings (Keybind: Mouse ScrollWheel)
- Current zoom camera settings are now autosaved
- Tweaks to default base critical hit damage,decreased from 2x/200% to 1.5x/150%
- Added stat tooltip hovers for health, damage, attack/casting speed, crit chance, crit damage, recovery, dodge, lifesteal, xp gain, item find, gold find, phys dmg reduction, magic dmg reduction, movement speed
- Added stat tooltip hovers for summon pet health, damage, attack/casting speed
- Fixed issue with selling potions not working correctly
- Fixed issue with using "Fortitude Potion II" not working correctly
- Minor improvements to inventory and shared stash systems
- Numerous stability fixes
- Minor convenience adjustments
- Added some additional preparation work for "Frozen Northlands"
- Added some preparation work for "Hunter/Beastmaster"
- Added some preparation work for "Zulmaris Swamplands"
- Added some preparation work for "Desert Southlands"
- Added some preparation work for "Steam Cloud"
- Updated several tooltips
- Savefiles from previous version are compatible
Changed files in this update