Hail to you, legendary defenders of Ithaca!
The latest update to Legendary Hoplite is here, providing you with a major bug fix update.
If you still encounter issues with FPS, soft-locks (game pauses), or blurriness when using 2K resolution, please first verify that you have the latest version of Legendary Hoplite (v1.3.3).
To verify your version, simply open the game, select your character, and once you're on the world map screen, look to the bottom right of the screen, the version number can be seen there.
If you are on v1.3.3 and still have this issue, then please can you re-install your game. This is a step that we have tested with numerous people and has been proven to reliably fix the issue.
_Note: Uninstalling and re-installing the game should not remove your game save files, however, we still recommend that you create a manual backup before you do this. Your game save files are located in:
Important: The AppData folder is hidden by default, if you cannot see it then you will need to change your settings to see hidden folders by:
- From file explorer click on File (top left of the screen)
- Select Change Folder Options
- Click on the "View" tab
- Make sure that the option for "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" is checked.
Update Changelog
Major Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that triggered a never-ending pause / soft lock.
- First attempt to fix the issue where the 2k resolution settings would result in an extremely blurry screen for some players.
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to get stuck (soft-lock) in a never-ending lock.
- Fixed a game crash that triggered when the archer would fire the moonlight arrow.
- Fixed a game crash caused by specific enemies.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused the weapon skills to be permanently locked.
- Fixed a bug where some players could not see the tutorial/info snippets during boss fights.
- Fixed a bug that caused the reward system to obstruct the player's view.
- Fixed a bug that caused specific enemies to be immortal
- Fixed a bug that prevented damage from triggering in various situations
- Fixed an issue that caused the Lion of Cithaeron's attack range to be too high.
- Fixed the translations for the Lunar New Year Event
- Fixed various translation issues with the in-game encyclopedia.
Changed files in this update