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Software Inc. update for 30 September 2023

Patch notes for Beta 1.7.10

Share · View all patches · Build 12324888 · Last edited 30 September 2023 – 12:59:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.


  • Players will now always start day at 7AM when joining a game to get their first day in
  • Moved furniture and code mod settings into new game screen, since they are permanent changes
  • Added error message to make it clear when host and client saves have discrepancies
  • Made game autosave in multiplayer when game is closed by closing game window
  • Game will now check through backups to see if there is a better save when joining a server


  • Fixed game saving 3 times in a row for online games with only 1 player
  • Fixed multiplayer work deals bugging out when joining an existing game where the host saved before the deal took place
  • Fixed security guards not going to security desk as soon as one becomes available during their shift
  • Security guards will now also hunt burglars when they are walking to/from security/surveillance desks
  • Fixed all burglars near each other not fleeing when one has been caught
  • Fixed shared map objects like windturbines getting duplicated for player every time they joined a previous game
  • Lead designers with the IP Ownership demand can no longer work as lead designer on outsourced projects in multiplayer
  • Fixed issue with clients not connecting up if a new player is hosting an existing game
  • Fixed clients getting stuck at midnight when the host player disconnects
  • Fixed deals getting cancelled when they shouldn't and not cancelled when they should
  • Fixed ID clash between network objects causing local player to gain money from selling wind turbines when removing a window or door from the network
  • Fixed all players getting money when a player sold windturbines obtained through a rural plot
  • Fixed parking lot player assignment sometimes being wrong when hosting game
  • Fixed time buttons being unavailable when launching previous game as host in which player was waiting for other players
  • Fixed project management tasks losing leader assignment when joining a game
  • Changed how plot adjacency is calculated to avoid situations where a plot is unreachable
  • Fixed manufacturing tasks and assembly lines not being deserialized properly when joining a game with an existing save
  • Fixed some server processes not being deserialized properly when joining a game with an existing save

Changed depots in dev branch

View more data in app history for build 12324888
Windows Software Inc. Windows Depot 362621
Linux Software Inc. Linux Depot 362622
macOS Software Inc. Mac Depot 362623
Windows 64-bit Software Inc. Window 64 Depot 362624
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