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Russian Village Simulator update for 30 September 2023

PATCH 1.3 and about multiplayer

Share · View all patches · Build 12324688 · Last edited 30 September 2023 – 14:26:29 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings players!
We are releasing another patch with the following changes:

  1. changed the water of the lakes, see screenshot below. Now the water is not like in the Maldives :-)

  1. Quests can now be filtered by status in the quest menu. By default, the quests you have taken are displayed.

  1. Added chests in which you can store any items from your inventory.
    You can put not all items in the chests, but you can specify the number of items.

  1. Similarly with the food fridge and the berry fridge.

  1. Also in the store, you can now specify the amount sold and the amount bought.

  1. The Zhiguli five is now not accelerating so sharply. But the tractor was added speed.
  2. Changed a little system of animal behavior.
  3. Forest animals are now not so quickly removed from the map after you left the place of their habitat.
  4. Added about 7 roads.
  5. Reduced a little range of drawing trees.
  6. Now the character gets off the horse more correctly.
  7. Sazan renamed to Yazya.
  8. Fixed the recipe with catfish.
  9. If you had a gun in your hands and you get into an auto or on a horse - the gun did not disappear, now it does.
  10. Fixed achievements related to transportation.
  11. The cross to close is now red and better visible.
Attention: some players want us to add co-op (multiplayer) to the game.

But to add it the game needs to have at least 1000 reviews, so that we have the opportunity to implement it.
If everyone who bought the game would leave a review of the game - there would be already more than a thousand reviews :-)

Windows 64-bit Depot 2455371
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