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Fraymakers update for 30 September 2023

EA Update v0.5.17 - Tons of crash fixes and other goodies!

Share · View all patches · Build 12322532 · Last edited 30 September 2023 – 01:32:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Crash Fixes

Online Lobby

  • Fixed a crash caused by disconnecting from a lobby before completing the join handshake.
  • Fixed a crash caused by attempting to join a lobby that was destroyed before the connection was completed.
  • Fixed a crash caused by attempting to navigate to another menu while the lobby list is loading.
  • Fixed a crash caused by letting the selection screen countdown expire after a player leaves the lobby.


  • Fixed a crash caused by an edge case where the input buffer could be null when the game attempted to consume the buffer.
  • Fixed a crash caused by the AI targeting something other than a character when choosing a ledge option.

Character Select Menu

  • Fixed a rare crash that occurred when backing out of the assist select menu.
  • Fixed a crash caused by backing out of the character select screen while a token is being dragged by a mouse.

Controls Menu

  • Fixed a crash caused by tapping a direction on joystick while moving a controls menu slider.


  • Fixed a crash caused by grab clanking with CommanderVideo.


  • Fixed a crash caused by quitting a match while bubbles are active.


  • Fixed a crash caused by spawning projectiles within Niko’s light online.



  • Increased lower velocity threshold for attacks to send opponents into hurt medium from 11.5 to 14.
  • Effectively, this means that attacks need more knockback before they’ll send into tumble and knock opponents down. This is a substantial change for some attacks, so if you have any feedback or find any problematic situations that result from this change, please let us know at using Other Feedback -> Gameplay Mechanics.
  • Fixed bug where downward-hitting moves that aren’t spikes didn't inverse the hurt foe's Y knockback and caused them to slide along the ground in hurt medium.

Grab Adjustments

  • Grab logic reworked to prevent grabbed characters from being separated from the grabber during a grab/throw attack. Grabbed foes are now always projected outward from the grabber's body towards the hold box to prevent situations where a separation in terrain could cause the foe to get snagged on a wall or floor.
  • Characters can no longer grab other characters through structures.
  • Being grabbed by another player and sitting in the "HELD" state no longer pushes grabber if your ECB width is large enough to overlap with the foe.


  • Spike hitspark now only plays above a specific knockback threshold.


Gamecube Controllers

  • Mayflash and vJoy adapter shield thresholds now default to 30% on freshly created profiles.


Character Select Screen

  • Reworked pointer behavior to prevent your hand cursor from taking the token out of the center area.


  • Removed pop-up notification upon unsubscribing from content.

Playable Characters


  • Hurtboxes
  • Added a persistent hurtbox during some low and high light hurt animations to prevent subsequent attacks missing unintuitively due to the character’s motion.


  • Up Special
  • Added a ledge grab box when Octodad is retracting his arms.


  • Dash
  • Footstep sound added to dash.
  • Loading history…
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