V0.24 & V0.245
-Bots are freezing in place when someone joins or leaves the match. (WIP).
-DM GAMEMODE: MVP name is not refreshed properly when MVP player leaves the match mid-game. Game Summary displays winning Player correctly.
-Slide, Jump and Land sounds are not audible by other players.
-HOST GAME button added to Main Menu screen.
-Added new warning when your Nickname is taken (On first-time steam authentication)
-Game Version checker.
-Added instruction to the game for new Players.
-New Sprays: RojoV13, Pan Mateusz, zDVPY.
-We can change Teams in Lobby (Waiting Room) if one Team has more players.
-We can change Teams in mid-game (Gameplay) if one Team has more players.
-Bringed back longer room times and bigger room goals. Now the game can last 60 minutes and be set up to 999 Kills.
-New Ranks: YT (Youtuber), TWITCH (Streamer on Twitch), BUG CATCHER (community help), TOP 1 (Best Player).
-SLON Music added to the Gameplay.
-Healthbar and arrows added above Team-mates heads - recognition of friendly team.
-Added reset button to the black screens in Main Menu. (Just in case).
-Bots cannot be killed anymore by the same Team in TDM.
-GLOBAL CHAT in Main Menu was not displaying messages correctly.
-In Game chat wrong message about Characters Limit. (It was 30 not 45).
-DeathMatch (DM): Sometimes wrong player was summarized as the MVP at the end of the round.
-DeathMatch (DM): Players could join to a new room with statistics from previous match.
-Localization was displaying Polish language for "Kills" Goal in Deathmatch.
-Rifle was visible to everyone under 3rd Level in Customizer Menu.
-Rifle pickup sound has been changed.
-Molotov was flying above the Team2 Character model when in hands.
-Increased Main Menu's Global Chat max characters from 25 to 100.
-Increased In Game Chat max characters from 30 to 60.
-Default Room parameters: Team Deathmatch > Deathmatch, 15 minutes > 10 minutes.
-ALL SFX'es in the game had been normalized. (Weapon SFX volume reduced by 15dB).
-Chat in Game disappears after 8 seconds now (was 5 seconds before).
-Chat has been re-positioned to the left side in Gameplay.
-Team-Mate death icon size has been increased by 30%.
-Tomahawk balance: Range increased by 50%.
-Minigun balance: DMG increased from 7 > 9.
-Shotgun balance: Decreased bullets fired in one shot 6 > 2.
Fire-Rate increased from 0.5s > 0.4s.
Range increased from 23m > 40m.
Spread increased from 0.6 > 1.
Recoil increased from 0.1 > 0.2.
-Revolver balance: DMG increased 10 > 12.
Fire-Rate decreased from 0.1s > 0.25s
-Sniper Rifle balance: DMG increased 65 > 85.
Fire-rate decreased 0.1s > 0.7s.
-Molotov balance: DMG increased 12 > 18 per second.
Fire effect decreased from 9s > 7s.
-Dynamite balance: DMG decreased 100 > 50.
-Headshot sound (temporarily).
Changed files in this update