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Maximum Velocity update for 29 September 2023

Maximum Velocity Update

Share · View all patches · Build 12321599 · Last edited 29 September 2023 – 22:39:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Features added
Drifting Feature: We're thrilled to introduce the all-new drifting feature to the game. Players can now drift through curves and turns, bringing an exciting twist to the gameplay.
Crafting Debut: We are thrilled to present the first edition of our crafting system.
Notification system: When hitting destructibles you will now see the loot you get for crafting.
Effect Shops: We're thrilled to introduce the first version of Effect Shops to the game. These shops offer a plethora of options for customizing your gameplay experience.
Banner Customization: Explore an array of unique banners, each with its own style and flair, allowing you to personalize your in-game identity.
Icon Customization: Dive into the world of icons, where you can choose from a diverse range of symbols and designs to represent your character.
Underglow Customization: Make your mark on the race by customizing your vehicle's underglow with a variety of captivating and colorful options.
Boost Flames: Enhance the speed and style of your rides with customizable boost flames, adding an extra layer of visual excitement to your races.
Smoke Visuals Revamp: completely overhauled smoke visuals.
City Transformation: In this monumental update, we've completely transformed the city within the game. The city will now have layers and will be more fun to explore.
Performance Improvements: Improved significant performance in this update, ensuring a smoother and more responsive gaming experience.
Chase Game Mode Improvements: we introduce a dynamic map scaling feature for the Chase Mode. Now, the size and complexity of chase maps will adapt to the number of players in the game.
Overlap Visuals: Updated the visuals of the overlaps, so it’s easier for the players to see them.
Race Ai Revamped: We've undertaken a significant transformation of our Race AI, even more improvements coming soon.
Soft Landing: Improved landing when taking large jumps
Active Respawn: improved respawn, you can now manually trigger a respawn by pressing the flip button in races.
Race Progress: The race progress is now visible on the side of the HUD while racing.
Race distance: Race UI now displays the distance separating racers.
Two new races: two thrilling new races set in the slums, Winding Up, Burning Skies.
Auto Headlights: Introducing the Auto Headlights feature! Now, when darkness falls, your vehicle's headlights will automatically illuminate the road ahead, enhancing visibility and immersion. This feature can be enabled or disabled from the pause menu.
Tire Mark Visuals: we've enhanced the visual representation of tire marks in the game, adding more realism and detail to the racing experience.
Destructible Objects: We've given a complete makeover to destructible objects within the game. Say goodbye to simple, bland destruction.
Burnout: Improved Burnout system to be more natural.

Bug Fixes
Fix issue with visuals in chase gamemode.
Fixed issue with mini map not showing updated map.
Fixed issue where some activities weren't spawning in.
Fixed issue where car would not take damage upside down.
Fixed issue when driving the car could spin randomly after hitting a small bump.
Fix issue in shops where the item you tried to equip would make the selection move to the left or right.
Fix issue where your car could spawn with skid marks in the air.
Fixed issue with respawn carrying over forces when hitting a wall.
Fixed issue with destructibles duplicating and causing lag.
Fixed issue where ai was falling under map on the market.
Fixed issue where the burnout sound was playing infinite.
Improved navigation in all races to reduce lag.
Improved race position not updating fast enough.
Fixed issue where you couldn't turn camera in air.
Fixed memory leak for quests.
Fixed race Automatic.
Fixed navigation for shops.
Improved Headlights and rear lights.
Fixed issues with first person camera, clipping and going inside the car.
Improved F5 and shockwave Landing.
Fixed issue with matchmaking throbber.
Fixed lighting issues in the car select and main menu.
Improved Burnout system to be more natural.
Fixed issue where the player could spawn under map in races
Fixed issue where players were teleported to random locations in the slums from jump.
Fixed issue where players could get DNF even when going over the finish line.
Fixed issue where burnout was not resetting speed.
Fixed issue where you couldn’t open the big map.
Fixed navigation on the quest tab.
Fixed issues where race barriers not lining up with the map.
Fixed issue with tires sticking out too much on some vehicles.
Fixed issue where traffic lights would fall through the ground after hitting them.

Windows 64-bit Depot 1912901
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