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The Merchants Guide to the Kingdom update for 29 September 2023

Patch Notes v0.6.1a

Share · View all patches · Build 12321306 · Last edited 29 September 2023 – 23:09:17 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Patch v0.6.1a is mostly a hotfix which addresses some core issues with crafting, combat and achievements, but a few more sprinkled in additions as well.

User Interface

  • Updated several points in the tutorial to properly reflect recent changes.
  • Added a game mode icon to the timer.


  • While crafting, materials will default to the max craftable amount, and equippable items will default to 1.
  • Greatly reduced the amount of materials favors will ask for throughout the game.
    Developer Note: We liked the idea of the chance for a player to receive very large favors and being able to cancel them when they wanted, but we were noticing a bit too often that the large favors were appearing and that could be quite the burden. We are reducing the maximum favor requests by a lot, but will be introducing a system similar to large favors into other aspects of the game coming in the near future.


  • Fixed an issue causing multiple crafts at a time to cause a large pause in the game.
  • Fixed an issue causing multiple crafts to not properly count toward goals & achievements.
  • Fixed an issue which was causing multiple interrupts for healers when an ally was in danger.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Stash All” button was not counting toward the tutorial step for stashing an item.
  • Fixed an issue which was causing crafted items not to show their stats.
  • Fixed an issue with Research not being completed in the tutorial properly.
  • Fixed an issue with enemy armor not calculating properly.
  • Fixed an issue which was causing the timer to make the Merchant unable to jump.
  • Loading history…
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