Changes for this update:
Additional Destruction and Terrain Deformation:
- Dynamite explosions now create craters in the sand.
- Dynamite explosions now destroy rocks and cactuses in their blast zone.
- The "Body Slam" Worm ability also creates a small crater at the impact zone.
Note: The are limits to how far the sand can be lowered, with Quarry and the ground under the Train being it's lowest point. So these areas will not be deformed by explosions.
Spectator Mode Fixes:
- Fixed a myriad of bugs with Spectator mode. Blocker trains, destroyed buildings, ghost players, time of day, and the fuel indicator on the train now sync properly.
- Fixed the Worm winning end screen displaying spectating players as "winners".
Misc Bug Fixes/Changes:
- Added a new on screen prompt on how to equip a Kit item you're holding.
- Fixed public lobby browser UI text overlapping itself.
- Fixed Dpad Up/Down Controller issues when selecting items from your inventory.
- Added additional names to the credits.
Stay safe out there, Pardner!
Changed files in this update