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Fantasy Survivors update for 29 September 2023

Update 91 - Potions

Share · View all patches · Build 12319024 · Last edited 29 September 2023 – 16:26:33 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi all,

We are finally ready to introduce potions. For now, potions only makes you invulnerable to one or more status effects.

Overview of update content:

  • An artisan that sells potions was added. You need to be Survivor level 3 to buy the potions and level 4 to buy the stronger potions.
  • The chat window now features a scrollbar and keeps 50 messages. If you keep your cursor over the scrollbar, new messages appearing won't scroll the window to the bottom.
  • Some new achievements were added.
  • The Lamia Sharpshooter in the Cursed Sands map now has less health, so it should be a lot easier to kill.

How potions work:

  • Currently the only way to obtain potions is by visiting Cassie via the Workshop. Cassie is unlocked when you find her in the Cursed Sands map.
  • She sells a variety of potions that require 2 materials each to brew.
  • There's a normal and a strong version of each potion type, e.g. Antidote and Strong Antidote.
  • The normal potion requires 1 Crystal Dust and the strong one requires a specific Crystal Shard.
  • For the Fireproof potions, a new type of crystal shard is required, the Legendary Crystal Shard. It is mined like the other crystals but cannot be refined by the Gem Cutter yet.
  • Every time you play, you have to select whether you want to take your potions into the map. It's a single tick box.
  • If you have your potions in the map, the moment you suffer a status effect, you will automatically use 1 potion (the weakest required). The potion will immediately render you immune and it lasts until you exit.
  • When you die alone or exit the map, the potions consumed are removed from your stash (1 for each type of status effect suffered).
  • If you use Esc to exit, or you are disconnected, progress is not saved so your potions will not be affected either.
  • It is not possible to store or sell potions.

I hope you find the potions useful. They don't cover all possible status effects yet, so more will be added in future.

Till later,

Windows Depot 2220871
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