Here's another regular updates with 3 main focus :
- gameplay fixes & improvements
- better handling of the controller in the menus
- better handling of crashes, so the user can exit the game correctly
The last 2 points are to prepare the port to consoles.
I hope you'll enjoy all this ! :-)
And as I'm currently working on improving the menu usage with a controller, if you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to let me know.
New Features :
- Controls : new screen right before playing to easily select the controller for each player
- Menus : in case of a crash during the World Tour process, a menu is shown to tell you to load your previously saved game (instead of being stuck on the waiting screen)
- Menus : in case of a non-stop crash of the menu system, a menu is shown to let you exit the game and possibly restart without Mod or with resetting all your settings
- Menus : added a tip next to the Back button to show what controller button is linked to it
- Settings :can reset all the settings on game launch with the command line "-resetsettings" (without the quotes) ; this includes your current Training Club players, but not your saved World Tour games
Changes :
- Physics : the players (both CPU & Human) now take a bit more margin over the net when they have a low Topspin skill, to avoid doing too many net faults
- AI : the Incredible CPU was still too cautious, leading to too many slices ; now he should do noticeably fewer, especially when his Topspin and/or his Precision are low
- AI : in doubles, now the CPU positions itself correctly after a cross-hit from the baseline
Bug Fixes :
- AI : the CPU could stop running too early when running toward or away from the net, making him miss easy balls ; this fix should greatly improve in some cases the serve & volley of the CPU, and its net rush
- AI : in doubles, the CPU on the baseline wasn't playing the crossed balls ending on his partner's side most of the time
- AI : in doubles, the CPU could try to catch a ball that was actually for his partner
- Modding : wrongly configured Mods could make the game unable to initialize correctly
=== Mana Games ===
Changed files in this update