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Espresso Tycoon update for 6 October 2023

Espresso Tycoon - Update 8 - WE ARE ADDING A MANAGER!

Share · View all patches · Build 12315916 · Last edited 6 October 2023 – 12:09:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear Coffee Lovers,

We have the next update ready! Thanks to you!
Your commitment is amazing ːsteamhappyː

But before we explain what's actually in this update, here's a brief instruction.

Sometimes you can have a problem with launching the game (or some parts of it) after the update. This issue could be related to Steam and not the game itself. If you encounter a problem like that, please check your local files here:

Sometimes Steam can have issues with updates, and this is a simple solution. :)

And now, let's get back to our update...

We added... a manager!

Do you remember our survey about creating the roadmap with our players? A manager was one of the most frequently requested mechanics in our voting. That means it was YOU who chose it ːsteamhappyː

A manager will take care of your supplies.

Thanks to the manager, you won't have to remember to constantly order more ingredients; they will also be arranged for instant delivery. However, it won't be that simple – the manager's salary can be quite high!
They will order not only the supplies that are running low. They will also order more if they are needed for the new coffee recipes.

Just like other employees, the manager can undergo training, and their salary can also be adjusted. You can also fire them if you need to.

I'm already in the game - when can I hire a manager?

You need to have at least 4 Golden Beans to unlock this feature. In the Campaign mode, we're unlocking this mechanic in the 7th Mission - so in Mexico City. That means they are available in each next mission, too.

Of course, in the Sandbox mode, you can hire a manager in each location. And you can even set them to work 24/7.

Many, many thanks to those who helped us test this update!
Remember to change your version of the game for yourself on Steam:

It would be good to restart Steam, too - to be sure you have the newest version of the game ːsteamhappyː

We wouldn't be here without you!

We're working on the next update, too! Stay tuned!

P.S. Don't forget to join our Discord channel ːsteamhappyː

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