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Wandering Sword update for 29 September 2023

A Quick Hotfix Update!

Share · View all patches · Build 12314775 · Last edited 29 September 2023 – 12:09:20 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey Swordsmen!

We hope your journey in the vast world of "Wandering Sword" has been exciting and full of memorable encounters. As we continually strive to make your experience even better, we're rolling out a quick hotfix to address some issues that some of you might have come across after our recent update.

Update Details

  • Fixed a bug where the quest to find the most poisonous herb in Baiyao Valley couldn't be triggered properly.
  • Fixed a bug where players could repeatedly complete the Ascension Enforcement Disciple quest.

We genuinely appreciate the time you've taken to share your experiences and feedback with us, as is crucial in helping us refine Wandering Sword every step of the way. Please continue to share with us your feedback, suggestions or any issues!

If you've enjoyed our recent updates and feel we've addressed your concerns, we would be grateful if you could leave us a review, or consider updating them especially if you previously left us a negative one. Your positive feedback is a tremendous encouragement and motivates us to continually improve. Thank you for your support!

And if you haven’t already, be sure to follow us on Steam and Twitter to be notified of any new updates. We look forward to hearing more of your legendary adventures in Wandering Sword!

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Wandering Sword Discord
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And last but not the least, we would like to wish all of you a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May your days be filled with joy, adventure, and the warmth of loved ones

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