This build adds multi-fuel to the game.
Fuels, or more correctly fluids, are now of three type: Hydrogen, Water and Oxygen.
Hydrogen: the fuel currently existing in the game. Used to power reactor and lightcruise engine, and can be harvested near stars.
Water: can be harvested in oceans.
Oxygen: can be harvested in atmosphere. Will be tied to a survival mechanism in a later update.
Brick added: Electrolyser. During the early game as the player strive to reach space crafting Hydrogen will be necessary.
The way to do will be to use the electrolyser that will split water into Hydrogen and Oxygen.
Other features:
- Display can connect to tank: they will show what fluid is contained and how full the tank is.
- Tank can now accept a single fuel type: open their UI to change their setting. Changing the setting will dump previous fuel.
- Transparent tank have a different color and density depending on the fluid.
- Added an HUD help message for gas bottle.
Still to do:
- Harvest Oxygen from atmosphere (when atmosphere is breathable)
- Fuel filter on harvester
- Tank should display a better water
- Oxygen survival mechanic
- Explosion damage on tank depending on fluid
- #5137 Cannot jump to warp from lightcruise.
- #5289 Solar panel not working properly.
Thanks for playing!
Changed files in this update