Progression and Loadout
- Progression has been wiped.
- Reduced overall level count to 65.
- Perk selection updated.
- Weapon, Armor and Salvage Pricing updated.
- Weapon cosmetics ordering updated.
- Mythic weapons can no longer be put in secure slots.
- Energy SMG kick has been reduced.
- Hush Puppy damage has been lowered.
- Slow Burn damage has been increased.
- Double Barrel Shotgun damage has been lowered, and falloff damage increased.
- Overshield Balance.
General updates
- Players can no longer ping while in the starting hanger.
- Map Legend Updated to hide med bays and added extraction pod icon.
- Player XP and Level is now shown above their character in the lobby.
- Revive timer now shows on the player's health bar HUD.
- Fixed an issue where items could be duplicated using vendors.
- Fixed an issue where the Weak Point perk would not be properly granted to players.
- Fixed an issue where a crafted item would not show until the player relaunches or returns from a match.
- Fixed an issue where the contract and shop timers would not display correctly.
- Fixed an issue with the ordering of weapons in the cosmetics screen.
- Fixed an issue where the second secure slot would not unlock properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Energy DMR and Energy SMG would not show on the cosmetic screen.
- Fixed an issue with the description on the EMP Blast Pulse perk
- Fixed an issue where sell tooltips would not show in the salvage vendor.
- Fixed an issue where some weapons still had class restrictions.
- Fixed an issue where extraction pods would not spawn in specific rooms.
- Fixed an issue where death crates and revive beacons would spawn above doors.
- Fixed an issue where spectators could not see revive beacons.
- Fixed an issue where certain pistols would not trigger the enhanced senses perk.
- Fixed an issue where some attributes would not apply correctly.
- Fixed an issue where "using health/shield pack" text and progress bar would be stuck on screen if you respawned while your spectate target was using a health/shield pack.
- Fixed an issue where death crate icons would not disappear if your teammate could no longer be revived.
- Fixed an issue with Storm Slicer VFX would not show.
- Fixed an issue where the Storm Sliver SFX could be heard throughout the map.
Known Issues
- Contracts may not be granted when the player logs in.
- Items may be moved from backpack to stash upon extraction.
- Level Progress bar may not properly update in the lobby sometimes.
Changed files in this update