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The Gray Man update for 28 September 2023

Surreal Madness Released!

Share · View all patches · Build 12311617 · Last edited 28 September 2023 – 23:09:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

I greet you ceremoniously!

Well, this is it. The story of Anthony, the serial killer, is waiting for you! Become the conscience of a serial killer, and save the last shreds of humanity the main character still has. Or do only the worst evil. That's up to you and your gamer morals, hh. So after many years of development, I present to you the game in all its glory!

You can expect an extensive linear story (for about 5-6 hours of game time) that will make you do what you don't want to do. The role of the player and the spectator changes very often. So do the inner and outer worlds you'll explore, looking for different thoughts, lost memories and reasons why Anthony act as he do.

Get your barf bags ready for the standby position? Probably. The game plays around with a certain amount of disgusting scenes to approximate the nastiness of serial killer personas. Controversial subject matter for sure, and honestly it was the substance that fascinated me about making this game 6 years ago when I first came up with the idea. And if the audiovisual style won you over, I believe the game is expressively original in the point & click adventure game genre. Come explore the strangest gaming experience you'll ever have with a game!

What's next? Of course, these next days, weeks and months I will be hard at work promoting the game and making the fixes that are already needed. For example, the very first time I turned the game on, the sound was off, dammit! There will be many other improvements associated with this, either due to self-testing or from your feedback, which I am now asking for. This is the only way to complete a title that will be unique in the gaming world. I mean that modestly and naively, don't worry!

So thanks for your support, and let's get to it together!

Windows English Depot 2216861
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