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Trans Ops update for 28 September 2023

Update v0.132545

Share · View all patches · Build 12310572 · Last edited 28 September 2023 – 20:26:40 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

I'm back! Took some time off. Just 2 weeks. Needed a break from working on this game for 6 months straight. It's the optimizing, it's not fun! lol

This update was tested with:

  • High Graphics Settings
  • AMD Ryzen 5900x
  • 32gb 3600mhz Memory
  • MSI Gaming X Trio RTX3080 GPU

Weapons added
  • LMG 02 - Light Machine Gun
  • M60 - Heavy Machine Gun
Character Selection

Until the lobby system is finished, a temporary character selection will be added to deploy menu.
This currently is NOT working (but is visible) it's about 90% there. Issues with execution in code, working on it.

Level Optimization

  • Returns and Optimized, level runs much better than it did before it was taken out of the game. 13-25fps was the average on High and Ultra Graphic Settings. Should notice a big increase in frames and how smooth the level feels.
  • 5 days spent cleaning this level up, merging assets and culling everything in the main building.
  • Main building converted to one static mesh vs. 9 different sections.
  • All lighting except the gym optimized. The gym still has issues, working on it without removing the lights causing the issues.
  • Swat truck lights causing draw issues, may turn off the lights on swat truck near main building.

My plan for now is to go back to working on the "Lobby System" and "Character Selection." The deploy menu character selection should hopefully but up and running in the next update. Once again this is all a learning process for me, no one is holding my hand walking me through any of this. I need to learn what I need to do first before I work on things. The lobby system will take longer, my progress will be updated along the way.

I will also be touching on level optimizing as I work on the above. I have a list of things I want to work on and add to the game. Being one person getting stuck on optimizing, nothing else gets done. I kept my main focus the past 2 months on Optimizing and nothing else. Just going to put a little less focus on optimizing, so I can work on other things alongside.

Windows English Depot 2450241
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