You've probably noticed that the game has received some balancing changes.
Some of you might have questions about why even do a full rebalance, or, in other words, "Why destroy the game?" - Simply put, the problem was with the way Elixir was acquired. The best strategy to gain the most Elixir was to Ascend, play for a minute, Ascend, play for a minute, and repeat. It's nice for players who have figured it out and actually enjoy doing that, but it's awful for everyone else. So it was changed for Elixir to be gained mostly from longer runs by tying the gained Elixir to the Coins value, by doing that, most of the game had to be rebalanced to fit the new system.
Another shortcoming I wanted to tackle was the awful offline gains, those were massively boosted, but at the same time, the active play gains were nerfed.
In making both of these changes, I messed up the game too much. The active play gains have been nerfed, they have been nerfed too far.
So now come the hotfix updates, as I want to make the game feel right for everyone. I am still working on getting the balancing right, so please be patient while I'm working on it, as there will be more changes and boosts coming. I am reading all of your comments, and I want to make the game fun for everyone.
Thank you to everyone who is sharing actual usable feedback on what you don't enjoy about the new changes and suggestions about what needs fixing.
The v5.0.2 changelog
● Further balancing changes that mostly buffed active play upgrades
● Fixed a bug with Firefly events having no effect after challenges
● The stashed Old rewards and the New rewards now correctly display the total count
Changed files in this update