- Added setting for enabling/disabling spy actions in conquest. (You still use spies to see enemy cities either way.)
- Fixed tentacles losing track of crew or trying to grab already grabbed crew.
- You are now notified when an enemy's new alliance causes a new war for you.
- The game finally no longer sometimes repositions buildings at the start of combat.
- Fixed modded zombies turning up on the wrong side.
- Fixed spy action success chance tooltip.
- Fixed weapon barrel lighting bug.
- AI no longer gets stuck moving fleets back and forth when reinforcing an allied city.
- Fixed the game crashing when a town was incorporated into another empire in the middle of a fight over that town.
- Crew spawned through hero abilities now despawn again after combat.
- Reduced money and reputation gained from cultists spawned in the age of madness.
- Fixed camera not going up far enough in direct control mode.
- The landscape and weather selectors in combat setup now have scroll bars when needed.
- Fixed modded external barrel animations.
- When you're demanding more territory than you're offering, the decrease in AI approval is now shown as a line item in the diplomacy offer editor.
- Fixed the altitude change sound not ending when you exit direct control mode.
Airships: Conquer the Skies update for 29 September 2023
Version 1.2.3
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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