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Hedon Bloodrite update for 28 September 2023

2.4.1 Extra Clues Update

Share · View all patches · Build 12307040 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:46:28 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

IMPORTANT: Updating Hedon requires a clean reinstall - this will cause your saves to become incompatible with the new version. You can revert to an older version of the game from Properties - Betas.

Realms Deep 2023

Before anything, I'd like to remind you that Realms Deep 2023 is just around the corner! This time around, expect to find more than just boomer shooters, as the event has expanded to broader horizons of indie games. In celebration of the event I have released a new update for Hedon, and I will also be joining the massive RD2023 SALE which will be up from September 28th (7pm CEST) to October 3rd (7pm CEST)!

New Graphic Clues

I feel like Bloodrite has a few maps and areas that overstay their welcome. As you might know, I have a strong position against dumbing things down, so it was quite a challenge to figure out how I can streamline these areas by adding things rather than removing them.

Enter graphic clues, similar to the ones added in Crystal Heart, which are intended to provide the player with additional information about the map without directly spoon feeding it.

There are some other misc. changes, such as Warlocks no longer being immune to Time Freeze.
As usual, you can find the list of changes in the Changelog.

Let me know how you like the additions, and hey - why not drop a review here on Steam too? :^)
Anyway, enjoy Realms Deep and the new update, and good demon hunting!

  • ZanDev

Windows 64-bit Hedon (Win 64-bit) Depot 1072151
  • Loading history…
Linux 64-bit Hedon (Linux 64-bit) Depot 1072153
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