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Deceit 2 update for 28 September 2023

Unlock Your True Potential: Mastery is here!

Share · View all patches · Build 12306053 · Last edited 28 September 2023 – 14:09:27 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Deceit 2 players! It’s been a busy three weeks since launch. To date we have released some major performance updates, and graphical improvements, and today we are releasing our first brand new feature! As always, thank you for your interest, support and constructive feedback for all things Deceit 2.

Okay, let’s get right to it! We're thrilled to be releasing our first brand-new feature that will take your gameplay to the next level: the Mastery System. Composed of Accolades, this system is designed to reward your cunning, skill, and strategy as you navigate the treacherous world of Deceit 2.

We are regarding the Mastery system as an evolving feature, and whilst your progress will be consistent there will be more tuning, content and features to come! As ever your feedback will be incredibly important as we shape the future of Deceit 2.

For now, enjoy some more details on the Mastery system, and how it’s structured:

Badges Over Ranks

As you complete Accolades you'll earn points, the harder the challenge the more points you'll receive. The total of your points (Mastery Score) will unlock new badges at different milestone. These badges are referred to as your 'tier,' beginning at Wood and culminating in the coveted Master tier.

Future Rewards

While Plinths and Gold Skins are still in the pipeline, we're excited to share that Plinths are coming next week. Gold Skins will be exclusive to items. And yes, Plinths are those stylish platforms you'll stand on in the main menu!

Leaderboards and Stats

For those climbing the tiers, every thirty minutes you'll see how you stack up against the community, with stats showing the percentage of players at or above your tier. Reach the Master tier in an Accolade, and you'll find yourself on a leaderboard, vying for that elusive #1 spot.

Where to Find Your Progress

Your Accolade gains will be displayed on the Game Summary screen, and you can always check your overall status in your Profile on the Menu.

Show Off Your Mastery

Your overall tier will be proudly displayed as a badge behind your portrait in both the Play scene and the Game Summary screen. Curious about someone's mastery score? Just click on their portrait to find out!

More to Come

We're looking forward to expanding this system with additional rewards and Accolades for you to conquer and master. Your feedback is invaluable as we continue to develop this feature.
So, are you ready to embark on this journey of mastery and claim your rightful place in the world of Deceit 2? The Game Master is watching…

These are just some of the plinths which are coming soon!

Stamping on the 'roaches:

Alongside this update we’re also releasing the latest bug fixes:

  • Accolades have been added to the game!
  • The ‘In-Between Auto-Trigger’ Custom Option is now enabled by default (including in Matchmaking!). This means Reality will slowly progress towards the In-Between without a Weak Point needing to be active. For those wanting to know the exact formula, scroll to the bottom...*
  • Adjusted the timeout logic to hopefully stop players incorrectly disconnecting, which would most notably cause them to be kicked from their parties.
  • Improved the execution cinematics.
  • The music during the escape sequence has been enhanced.
  • The Escape Key holder can no longer use Rift Teleports in the In-Between.
  • You can now Ping and use Quick Chat whilst Handcuffed.
  • Various minor map adjustments for visual enhancements and optimisation.
  • Removed the now obsolete ‘Shorten Intro Cinematic’ Custom Option.
  • [FIXED] The Adrenaline syringe can be used up without granting the effect.
  • [FIXED] The Adrenaline syringe’s buff doesn’t stop the Terror’s ‘Scream’ ability from draining your sanity.
  • [FIXED] You can ping players using the Invisibility Medallion.
  • [FIXED] The Invisibility Medallion goes invisible when using it.
  • [FIXED] The Decoy won’t spawn if you cancel the animation before it’s thrown.
  • [FIXED] You can climb on top of the lockers in the Staff Room.
The nerdy details:
  • At the start of a Reality phase, a total value is computed based on the number of alive players. You’ll enter the In-Between once this value reaches 0.
  • The first Weak Point activated reduces this value by 9 each second (unchanged).
  • Future Weak Points reduce this value by 6 each second (unchanged).
  • The ‘Auto-Trigger’ value reduces this value by 3 each second.
  • The duration that you’re trapped in the In-Between is 60s + 20s per active Weak Point (unchanged).

  • Loading history…
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