Yes. That's right. GOOD NEWS EVERYONE.
I'm not sure what to even say - we made it somehow.
Unfortunately, due to the absolute shit storm that has been battering us in the past few days, some things didn't make it in:
-A few cutscenes are missing audio
-Briefing screen doesn't work as intended, but all the dialogue from it is accessible. You just can't click the buttons, instead it's a dialogue tree... woops
-No manekis. Manekis tomorrow.
That's it! Wow, we made it. Well, almost. Two hours late. You know what I mean.
There will also be a lot of bugs, no doubt. We're going to be up for a bit monitoring the situation and live patching. At some point we both have to sleep. When that happens, you'll have to wait 6-8 hours, then we'll resume live-patching.
Enjoy it! Despite all the terror and madness, we enjoyed making it too.
À bientôt, homme-vache de l'espace.
-Team Fortune