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Fadeout: Underground update for 29 September 2023

1.25.03 - Gwen - The Field Alchemist is now LIVE

Share · View all patches · Build 12301522 · Last edited 29 September 2023 – 02:09:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Gwen - The Field Alchemist

Harness the powers of the elements! Make your foes yield to your 4 elemental powers!
Fire, Energy, Earth, and Air!
Gwen's playstyle revolves around picking an element to match the situation.

  • Earth provides a shield to yourself, and allies when applied
  • Fire provides a damage buff to yourself, and allies when applied
  • Air provides movement speed
  • Energy provides Energy regeneration!

The projectiles also have unique effects as well.

  • Earth is a heavy hitting direct hit 60 damage attack.
  • Fire is a Damage over Time effect, allowing you to track your foes.
  • Air spawns a cyclone on surfaces, serving as "boost pads"
  • Energy deals moderate damage, and spikes enemies whom are not 'grounded' enough. bolting them for massive damage!

Patch Notes

+New Character:
Gwen - The Field Alchemist
Harness the power of 4 different elements to conquer the battlefield.
Buff your allies, yourself, or smite down enemies with alchemical combos.

+Balance Changes:
Heal Magnum
-Instant damage 7 to 4
-DoT 15 over 3 seconds to 12 over 3 seconds
-Damage 40 to 35
-Hurtbox Duration 0.4s to 0.3s

+Starting Ammo 100 to 200 Scrap
BABY Shotgun
+Pellet damage 6 to 7 each (Regular shotgun off map is 8)

-Can no longer apply harpoon bleed to turrets, giving himself free speed.

Charlie mini-Rework

  • Now takes 25% increased damage while holding the flag instead of 15%
  • Brush-Off Passive:
  • Before: 10% damage taken upfront, 90% of it delayed over 3 seconds
  • After: 20% damage taken upfront, 80% of it delayed over 3 seconds
  • Removed the ability to animation cancel her reverse "roll"
  • Movement speed increased by 18% (800 to 950)
  • Jump power 550 -> 650
  • Staff slam cost 60 -> 50
  • Staff slam damage 45 -> 55
  • Knock out Punch Momentum increased by 25%
  • Energy Tick changed from 0.35 to 0.245


  • Removed 50% Fire & Poison resistance

Map Changes


  • Removed Rifles from each base rooftop
  • Added a new Rifle spawn to under the bridge on the hill


  • Camille USB Mouse skin headlamp was turned off (Fixed)
  • Kill-Streak Announcer in wave defense is now disabled
  • Dalton Scope didnt account for ultra-wide monitors (Fixed)
  • Wave Defense servers could not be converted back to normal servers once started (Fixed)
  • Items on Dalton disappear completely while scoped (All items attached to him, arrows, guns, etc)
  • Charlie's item slot marker no longer is bugged out & features a new instant cast animation
  • Randomizer no longer displays all character portraits while enabled (Was a bug) Never actually impacted gameplay, but was confusing
  • Plummeter now gives 10 ammo on pickup (Fixes an issue on Randomizer)
  • Wait to Respawn text no longer animates if you have no lives left

Other Features:

  • New Keybind: Hide UI (f2 by default)
  • New Default color option in the skin menu
  • Ability to make a list of allowed characters via the ServerSettings.ini (You can have a dalton only server if you want)
  • A new Character-Random select button on the character select screen
Windows 64-bit Fadeout: Underground Content Depot 1306571
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Linux 64-bitEnglish Fadeout: Underground Linux Depot 1306572
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