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MAJOR Treachery in Beatdown City update for 28 September 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 12299829 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:26:20 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey y’all,

The new Patch is LIVE. This patch officially rolls the game into 2.0 territory. We also dropped trading cards in the game, so you can start collecting and getting your badge crafting on!

Now, we have SO MANY patch notes, but I wanted to drop my fav of the bunch. You can find all of them below the following list.

Also, there's a Mac build now. For all you Mac heads, please give it a whirl and let us know what you think! We only have one Mac for testing, and it's a Mac Mini, which we tested on extensively, so hopefully it's all good.

Now, our top 10 patch notes!

  1. In MOST fights, when the player loses, they will be able to continue as another player.
    Previously you only had the option to Restart (from the fights beginning) or quit, and reset the fight. Now, you can use any available heroes to tag in. This is a huge feature we intended in the game from the start, but we couldn’t quite figure it out all those years ago, and we had a game to ship.

  1. Hitting objects (news paper holders, garbage cans, benches) via the menu will count toward COMBO counter, giving you bonus FP.

This might not seem exciting, but this makes your first moments in a fight much more meaningful. We were once asked, why should I not break open the garbage can/mailbox/bench/etc. first, and this answers that question. Some well placed hits at the beginning of a fight can be invaluable.

  1. Lisa and Brad now have moves that add “Grapple Up” to improve Grapple ability. This will make it so enemies will counter less. Also, as an aside, CT Punk's counter has been nerfed tremendously. Doesn't mean he won't EVER counter, but you're a lot safer grappling him now.

  2. Weapons are reworked - Weapons were too powerful previously, which kinda broke the game, and limited how we could use them. They now have health, and will die after a certain number of uses/drops, which allows us to add them to more fights.

This might seem like a bummer, but to be honest, it was a bummer to us how broken the weapons were, so we stopped putting them in fights. Now we were encouraged to add them back in.

  1. New map songs added to Maps 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 and 1-5.
    I’m not sure why, but we only had one map song for maps 1-1 - 1-5. I mean, I like the song,
    Now, we have 4 extra songs, and I love each of them dearly. Honestly, a highlight that makes going back through the game even better!

Here's one of the new tracks, for 1-2

  1. Force Feedback has been added. I love rumble, vibration, or whatever you call it, and
    it’s built into the zoom of the game. My only issue is the Steam Deck doesn’t have the
    best vibration.

  1. Map music continues when you return from a fight! Again, another mundane seeming update, but the map tracks are short, but often interrupted by battle. This will allow you to hear all the map music in full.

  2. Fixed an engine physics bug that caused hits to occasionally drop and miss
    players/enemies with no feedback. This one was STUPID, and very unclear how we were going to fix it. But, a new programmer took some time and found out what it was.

  3. Cutscene art has been updated. I was sick of some of this art. Ugly John was the very first enemy I made, and his hair ... well, whatever his hair was doing was not good. So he's got better hair, and now yellow teeth.

Left, old. Right, new!

Top, new.
Bottom, old.

  1. Context sensitive prompts on map 1-1. These will help guide new folks from the game, but are also unintrusive - they don't pause the game, they just give you some helpful info.

Now, the rest of the notes! Let us know what you're most hyped for!


  • In MOST fights, when the player loses, they will be able to continue as another player.
  • Weapons are reworked - Weapons were too powerful previously, which kinda broke the game, and limited how we could use them. They now have health, and will die after a certain number of uses/drops, which allows us to add them to more fights.
  • Added the chain whip weapon into the game
  • Hitting objects (news paper holders, garbage cans, benches) via the menu will count toward COMBO counter, giving you bonus FP
  • Hitting multiple enemies + objects at a time multiplies your COMBO count - So hit 2 enemies + 1 trash can (aka 3 things) 3 times = 9 hits = MORE FP!
  • Fight progression feels faster
  • Counter Attacks, Finishers, and specific strikes/grapples will now leave enemies on the ground longer to allow you to regroup, and improve your strategy
  • Fixed a few soft locks in combat stemming from counters
  • Fixed an engine physics bug that caused hits to occasionally drop and miss players/enemies with no feedback
  • Lisa and Brad now have moves that add “Grapple Up” to improve Grapple ability
  • Certain enemies have been tweaked to counter less
  • There are new tutorials added for Grapples, Back Grapples, REVENGE attacks, and the Tenshin move
  • COMBO mode now has a text label to show you that you started a COMBO
  • BURN, SHOCK, and FREEZE show proper status labels
  • New opening tutorial
  • Mercedez’s battle sprite has a new face
  • Generally improved Zoom/Screen shake
  • Cyclists and joggers have larger hit boxes, making them more annoying/threatening
  • Added more context prompts to the attack menu to let players know why they can’t do a thing at any given time
  • Added context sensitive prompts to Map 1-1
  • New CRIT indicators: Regular CRIT attacks now show up as orange, while double + CRIT attacks show up as red.


  • Force Feedback has been added (It is off by default on old saves, so make sure to turn it on!)
  • Ability to turn on/off Force Feedback has been added
  • Improved controller support (controllers generally feel better)
  • Vsync option added - Please turn OFF Vsync if you can’t run the game at 60FPS because of monitor limitations or the game will run at half speed (like if your card can’t output 60FPS at 4K)
  • Improved resolution support
  • Options menu is clearer
  • Build number added to the lower left corner of Options menu


  • New map songs added to Maps 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 and 1-5
  • Holding a direction will cause the player to keep walking (previously the player would snap to each node)
  • Map music continues when you return from a fight
  • Jitter from map camera scrolling has been eliminated


  • Several enemy/ally cutscene images have been enhanced - Abbey, Ugly John, Farooq’s among others
  • Bruce’s cutscene images have been enhanced - He’s got waves, y’all
  • You can advance text quicker by pressing the D (keyboard)/B (controller)
  • Text is sharper
  • Text boxes for enemies, item boxes, and tutorial boxes are all the same size


  • All new title screen logo

And, I think that's it! See y'all next week for the Ultra Remix drop!

Windows Treachery in Beatdown City Content Depot 762181
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macOS 64-bit Treachery in Beatdown City Depot Depot 762182
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