Thank you as always for your continued support of Midnight Monitor.
I have worked on some much needed Quality of Life fixes for the external camera, Dark Mode, Black & White Mode and Hard Mode.
The Back Yard
The external cam has seen some much needed love. The view has been zoomed in and items have been shuffled around to work with this new viewport. It is now much easier to see the entire back yard.
In addition to this, the lighting has been drastically improved. Dark and previously hard-to-see objects now stand out much more readily, and frankly I just wish that this was my real back yard. Check out the changes below!
Naturally the most important change is...
Hopefully you should get a lot less "PRESENCE IN THE GARDEN" chat messages when you stream this to your audience... :)
Visibility Changes
Dark Mode and Black & White Mode have received some well needed adjustments, generally making the game much more visible when using either, or both in tandem.
- Dark Mode is now slightly darker, but the flashlight is now much brighter - You should find that this balances nicely and is a worthy upgrade for the mode's namesake
- Dark Mode has also had the range of the flashlight increased up to 25m, meaning it is now much more suited for using on the External Cam
- Black & White Mode has had its levels tweaked - Shadows have been raised and Highlights lowered, leading to a much more consistent image and generally making changes much easier to spot
Hard Mode
Yes, another update to Hard Mode. It turns out Hard Mode went from way too hard, to way too easy. Most people are now clearing Hard Mode after 1 round, so the difficulty has been increased again:
- Hard Mode spawn frequency has been raised from +50% to +75% speed
- No other changes have been made
Some other minor tweaks have been made. Please see the full patch notes for update below:
- External Camera has received improved lighting and visibility
- Made it more obvious that the statue in the Garden is a Statue
- Dark Mode is now slightly darker, but the flashlight is brighter and casts a longer beam
- Greatly improved visibility for B&W mode and Dark Mode in general, but especially in the back yard
- No more glowing blood! Blood has been changed to a new non-glowing and glossy texture.
- Fixed some other minor visual glitches
- An invisible anomaly in the bathroom has been stamped on and called names
- Hard Mode has been tweaked again - Last time I made it too easy. Hopefully it's more balanced this time. Spawn frequency has been increased from +50% to +75%
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Coming soon will be updates to the game audio. The new level is also only a week or two away!
Changed files in this update