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Rail Route update for 29 September 2023

Hotfix 1.16.11

Share · View all patches · Build 12297680 · Last edited 29 September 2023 – 10:19:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

UPDATE: Added sorting by contract experience point rewards to active contracts panel  
UPDATE: Dispatch Office not ignoring border stations when being built. Regional contracts generation updated to force owning station as the first or last station if being a border station.  
UPDATE: Localizations (nl: ui; no: ui; zh-Hans: ui)  
UPDATE: Offered contract details now show total experience point rewards for contract instead of reward per leg  
UPDATE: Subtitles background color for better reading in the tutorial  
UPDATE: Time speed tooltip now contains hint how to customize time speed  
UPDATE: Warning design of the minus buttons in station visit view has been updated

FIX: Active contracts panel total contract count was misaligned  
FIX: Auto accept and auto reverse toggles in station configuration view were not interactable after toggling them off  
FIX: Bubny hint narration of the trial train in the tutorial was being played each time the train visit Bubny station  
FIX: Game saving failed when experience point was granted during serialization  
FIX: Incorrect train icon shown on system upgrades page tier progression bar  
FIX: NPR in accept contracts chapter if contract was accepted without specifying the platforms  
FIX: Sorting live trains on active contracts panel did not work correctly  
FIX: Train experience point reward indicators animated number change when first shown or briefly showed -1  
FIX: Trial train hint was not being played when game set to other language than English ```
Windows Rail Route [win] Depot 1124182
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macOS Rail Route [mac] Depot 1124183
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Linux Rail Route [linux] Depot 1124184
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