Hey hey!
This weeks patch is a bit early since there were some serious issues in the last one that I wanted to get fixed ASAP! Things are going smoothly otherwise and the big release is very close, I'm almost ready to hide in the woods for the rest of my life!
Anyway, here are all the patchnotes:
Title Screen:
- Added a dot.
All Episodes:
- Made sure the player characters don’t get burned to crisp when mutilated enough with melee
- Fixed the characters hands staying up if the carried item gets destroyed
- Fixed the characters getting stuck when thrown by another character at something
- The censor bars shouldn’t appear in front of guns anymore when carried nude
- Added the suspiciously familiar looking trash back to the end of the pier
Episode 1:
- Moved the starting position of the pink backbag, so the toys won’t immediately drop in
- Fixed the enemies running off from the pier aimlessly
- Fixed the bandaged man getting stuck in the lake
- Fixed the sockhead and granny stealing the kids from eachothers hands
- Fixed the enemy weapons not being able to be picked up when they drop them
- Sockhead shouldn’t be so weak to fire anymore
Episode 2:
- Made the bikers machinegun shooting last a shorter time
- General optimisation of the cosplayer behaviours
- The critics should now attack with more delay when encountered in a dark corridor
- The critics shouldn’t get stuck on the luggage trolleys anymore
- The big explosion should now destroy the luggage trollies caught in it
- The bikers should now have a cooldown after melee hitting someone
- Fixed the cosplayers running around when their heads are severed
- The rake cosplayer shouldn’t trip you anymore after beheading him
- Reduced the area that the rake hit can be heard from
- Reduced the amount of projectiles the bikers shoot with their machineguns
- Made sure the dead cosplayers used as shields keep shaking when shot
- Tried a fix for the machine gun muzzle flash sometimes staying on after you run out of bullets
- Fixed the sleeping sprites for the cops
- The cops shouldn’t shoot through walls anymore
- The cosplayers should now destroy the luggage trollies if there are enough of them going back and forth against it
Episode 3 Bonus:
- Removed the episode 1 intro from playing at the start
- The gifts at the top of the hammer game should now indestructible until dropped
Episode 4 Bonus:
- You now need to first bring a key to the mineshaft entrance
- Added an interior for the shop
- Made sure the jetpack explodes when… Exploding
- Made the pogostick get destroyed by the worm
- Made sure the worm doesn’t endlessly attack player corpses
Changed files in this update