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山门与幻境(The Lost Village) update for 27 September 2023

September 27 V0.4.29 Update

Share · View all patches · Build 12292785 · Last edited 27 September 2023 – 05:59:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

【BUG Fix 】

  1. Fixed an issue in Fairy Tower where clicking the skill upgrade button would lock the space bar to the upgrade button

  2. Fixed the item description of the Tipin array treasure Chest

【 Adjustment and optimization 】

  1. Optimized the disciples' logic of finding buildings, giving priority to the nearest building in a straight line when the building meets the conditions

  2. The leader of the fairy Tower drops more (the higher the chapter, the higher the quality) : each quality exercise blind box

3, Xuanguang fantasy leader limited drop exercise book adjustment to: each quality exercise blind box

  1. The Dharma books sold by Dreamland and Abyss merchants are adjusted to (the higher the chapters, the higher the quality) : each quality Dharma blind box

5, faith shop to join the sale (store 1 level can appear) : Gong Fa blind box [mixed], price 200

6, lower the heart magic value: 0.12/0.15/0.18/0.2

  1. Increase the maximum number of spirit fields and emergency platforms to be built

8, double repair in addition to Lingshi, you can choose other medicines

Windows English Depot 1963041
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