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Holua's Arcades update for 26 September 2023

v1.2.0 : Controls rebind feature is finally here!

Share · View all patches · Build 12289908 · Last edited 26 September 2023 – 22:09:21 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Folks!

As promised, to celebrate the first 10 reviews and the Positive verdict, controls rebind function is finally here!

Of course you can remap buttons and keys for each single game: find it in the arcade room open the cab menu and select "Controls".

In the following control panel, move left and right to swap the gamepad button you want to use, or press Enter/Return to rebind the related action to a new keyboard key.
Please note that some keys like enter, escape, backspace, function keys and others are not available for rebinding.

The game saves your settings, but you can reset them by selecting "Reset Options" in the options menu from the start screen.

Just a quick side note: as a developer, I've always found this feature boring as hell to code, but as a player I definetely know how much important is.
In the late 80s I was a teenager and I used to play at home on a 8088 with CGA and green monochrome screen, I had just a keyboard and no mouse or joysticks, so I experienced a lot of games which handled the keyboard input in every odd possible way. I remember those which were using QAOP instead of arrow keys to move the character (very frustrating) or the ones (like the Ikari Warriors DOS conversion) that didn't deal at all with the keyboard buffer, so the character was constantly moving and you just had to push the directional key once to change his direction - a true hell of a pain. Of course, most of these didn't feature the keyboard remap function, but thank god things started to get better and better and this function became shortly a quality standard. Xenon 2, just to mention the first coming in my mind, had a wonderful keyboard management.
Sometimes I also think that four buttons were enough for most of games, I really never got confident with the six (eight) buttons modern standard since Street Fighter II, I always preferred the SNK format.
Same for moving the character: I grew up by playing with the D-Pad and still think that's more fitting for the action games with unrealistic physics while nowadays I'm seeing more and more games that instead use it in the most disparate ways (swap objects, opening the map, etc.)

Well, however, enough about the past and let's talk about the present!

Beside the controls remapping function, I fixed some bugs here and there concerning the unlocked tricks as some of them weren't correctly saved. I suggest to reset the progression in the options screen if you hit any issue after updating the version.
Also, the arcade room GUI has a better keyboard mapping now, so you can use Enter to confirm and ESC to exit anytime.

My next purpose is to improve some sections in the single games (for instance, I would rework some Crescent Moon sections) and of course going on consoles asap. The bottleneck at the moment is finding a good leaderboard that supports cross platform to share the scores between different devices, I really hope I'll be able to migrate the current ones as this task isn't that easy as it seems (very often you can't add fake scores so this makes things complicated) but I'll come with a solution for sure.

Thanks for all your support and see you at the next announcement :)
Long live the old school!


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