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Goldenjar Fall update for 26 September 2023

Goldenjar Fall Update!

Share · View all patches · Build 12289599 · Last edited 26 September 2023 – 21:09:11 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear adventurers,

We have exciting news to share with all of you. Get ready to experience a series of enhancements that will improve your gaming experience and journey through the Dwarven Halls.

Reset Your Talent Tree:
Have you ever wished you could reset your Talent Tree and experiment with different configurations without worrying about previous decisions? Now you can! The Goldenjar Fall update allows you to reset your Talent Tree so you can adapt it to your current playstyle. Every time you break a weapon, you will improve your damage with axes and additionally gain a point to reset your talent tree.

Walk While Holding Click:
Comfort is essential when embarking on epic adventures! With our latest update, we've fixed the "walk while holding click" feature. Now, you can explore by simply holding down the button as you venture into the halls of Goldenjar.

These are just some of the improvements you'll find in the Goldenjar Fall update. We are committed to providing you with the best gaming experience possible, and this update is part of that commitment.

So, what are you waiting for? Update your game right now, and may Torgabarath guide you on your journey.

Windows 64-bitEnglish Goldenjar Fall Early Depot 1631012
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