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Space Trash Scavenger Playtest update for 26 September 2023

Build 0.304 + Free games for Space Rigs

Share · View all patches · Build 12288750 · Last edited 26 September 2023 – 19:09:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi all,

-Please check Discord for a nice opportunity! Give us a cool looking Space Rigs, and you can get a free game key for any released Paradox or Paradox Arc game (your choice!). It's that simple. You can even use the cheat function to build rigs quickly, with unlimited resources. This would be be a huge help for us recording the trailer next week too.

-There are interesting ways rigs can be made - they are now flyable, with non-shed-like walls - and creative use of curves and diagonals, interior spaces, channels, connecting spaces, farming and factory areas, thruster layouts, are all possible. Show us what you got!

-We're also of course looking for you to playtest the game in normal play and let us know your thoughts hitting F1 in game. Give it a go! Your goal as a playtester is to make it to quadrant 3 and complete all your product orders.

Build 0.304 changelog:

-Exploding barrels correctly cause damage
-Balance player gravity
-Unpack structures before build. Cuts down on always seeing quite annoying red holographic structures on your screen all the time while cycling through the hotbar.
-New world seed no longer crashes but gives error dialog if you input a number that is too high.

Space Trash Scavenger Playtest Content Depot 1832211
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