- Added red, blue, and yellow starfish to possible beach generated shells.
- There is a counter display now when you are next to mushroom showing how many shrooms in patch vs max amount if left to grow. Max shroom limits adjusted downwards a little to make Mushroom Ally blessing more interesting.
- Skilled merchant nerfed, bonuses halved. This skill was too much of a no brainer and caused money spike too early in game.
- Skill fisher, farmer, miner buffed a bit. First level starts with 30% chance instead of 15%. Can be boosted to over 100%, any amount over 100% adds to chance that an additional item is given, eg. 120% = 100% chance for an extra item, 20% for a third. These cards was previously too weak to be considered over skilled merchant.
- Reduced Healing Bond bonuses from 3 per level to 2 per level.
- Reduced Support drone health healing amount by 50%, and increased cooldown from 2.5 > 3 seconds at maxed levels.
- Shells on beach did not show the correct sprite sometimes
- Mushrooms for the season had an equal chance of spawning fixed (now based off rarity)
- Reduced the range in which player responds to mouse direction so doesn’t always turn to face when mouse is relatively far away from player.
- Removed particle effects from pixies (except Pixie Friend), may help with performance.
- Toned down brightness in Aamy’s bathroom
- Fixed dungeon boss and enemies stuck on death stage
Known Issues:
- Pet can stop at base of penguin post when leaving
- Raining in greenhouse
- Caterpillars spawning in sky tiles
- HP bar doesn’t fill up even at full health after Max HP change
Changed files in this update