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Myriad Mayhem update for 26 September 2023

Live - Patch 0.612

Share · View all patches · Build 12288446 · Last edited 26 September 2023 – 20:33:39 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This patch had focus on bug-fixing and balancing.

Game mechanics

  • You now start each match with starting money, so you can get some base up and running faster (was a bit slow start regarding base-building)

Quality of Life

  • You will now save your progress if you press the "Exit game" button, instead when you want to quit the game, not having to surrender/die and get to the scorescreen.
  • Updated your attributes in top right (in pause-menu) from x1.25 to +25%, i think it looks much better, if anyone objects, i might add an option to toggle to show x.25 again. (will later also update Ability-talent modifier info.)
  • CriticalChance & CriticalDamage is now a "global-attribute" you can see in your stats-window top right (when paused game). So all current offensive abilities have 5% Critical Chance, with a 50% bonus damage (e.g. MagicMissile with 4 damage will deal 6 crit-damage)
  • Some abilities like Chain Lightning have increased Critical Chance & Critical Damage, and the global attribute will increase those even further (e.g. ChainLightning has 20% Crit Chance, then gets +5% = a total of 25% critical chance. (If an ability have a special critical chance or critical damage, so will its total be shown in its tooltip)


  • Adjusted some built sites locations.
  • Fixed so Flash-Thunderstrike no longer hurt allies
  • Balanced ChainLightning - it felt like it was to infrequent, so lvl 3 & 5 will lower its cooldown from 3 -> 2 sec
  • Allies' structures now repair themself 3-10x faster.
  • Changed CriticalChance talents to give flat 5% critical chance per level, from 15-20% of current value, default is 5%, so 5% * 1.15 => 5.75% felt super-weak, is only lightning-magic that have roughly 25% crit chance by default, that have a better impact of the percentage)
  • Changed CriticalDamage talent to give flat 25% critical damage per level, from 15-20% of current value, (same reason as with Critical Chance).
  • Balanced MagicMissile talent Stack, now it's not a "nerf dps", and actually increases dps at max level. Plus also releasing its stack faster. The idea behind this talent is to make it similar to having a magazine compared to infinite ammo, and a compliment to the Beam, which is a channelling ability (usually you cast mana-spenders and fill out time between with basic abilities, this talent + beam is flipping it. E.g. release the stack & then fill with Beam).
  • Talent Cooldown now decrease cooldown 10% per level, up from a bad multiplying accumulation of 10% (i.e. CD -10% -> -19% -> -27.1%)
  • Removed MagicMissile Cascade for now, maybe will be replaced, or fixed so it is an upgrade for both Homing & Accretion.
  • Reduced Beam manacost 50 -> 40 per second.
  • Adjusted Beam Manacost-talent effect 0.8 per level to 15% -> 50% reduction at max level.
  • Adjusted ChainLightning - Conduit from a 20% multiple per level to +75% flat bonus.
  • Reduced Talent Flash-Thunderstrike Area & damage, was op simply put. Area 10.5 -> 7 and Damage 200 -> 150 (think i have to nerf it more, but a good start).
  • Adjusted ChainLightning - Conduit from a 20% multiple per level to +75% flat bonus.
  • Increased Talent Flash-LeapingLightning Manacost 50 -> 60


  • Modifiers that are rounded to integers (whole-numbers), e.g. before Round 6.5 => 6, and 7.5 = 8 because of point precision. So now it always rounds up on x.5 values.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug with mana-regen might stop
  • Fixed bug in stats-window (top-right window in game paused)
  • Fixed music bug
  • Fixed an old bug that i haven't notice, so when you level up, in top left corner i showed remaining levels you can take (e.g. x5), but long ago changed so it says your current level, but missed it's updated when you claim one level, it say x5 again.
  • Fixed bug introduced in 0.602, that hovering over buttons made them dark & not back to default colour.
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