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Gedonia update for 26 September 2023

Update 1.41a

Share · View all patches · Build 12287002 · Last edited 26 September 2023 – 14:59:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone! The game was just updated with version 1.41a

This is a fairly small update, which adds a new quest for level 40, set in Ertoron.
The main purpose of this update was to fix and rework current King's castle in the city. The castle interior was unfinished for quite awhile. I've started working on it back in 2019, when the game was a lot different, and I had an idea for a particular quest involving king of Ertoron. During development the game was changed so much, that I had to abandon initial plans for it and move on with different idea. Now it's finally finished, and has bigger interior and an actual king sitting in there. You can follow the quest or you cank kill a king and become an outlaw.

Other changes:

  • I've rebalanced gameplay for heavy melee endgame sets a little. Now all heavy endgame sets have a little bit more armor, you can actually knockdown heavier enemies and Powerful strike/Whirlwind/Charge dont hinder stamina regeneration after level 50 of your character, which should improve your damage output a lot.

  • Fixed the bug with woman's version of enduring set not looking like a male version

  • Fixed the issue with being stuck on story box quest in Volflar Fields

  • Magic shield now absorbs more damage if your player level is higher (more info in ability tooltip)

  • I've added some loot back to the Darklands bosses. Without it, it felt really unrewarding to kill bosses in Darklands. Now you will be able to get some epic set items from bosses.

  • Hemmorhage in blood demon form now have 1 second cooldown instead of 0

  • Fixed stuck problems in Frozen Temple

  • Fixed new armor sets showing on some companions


  • You can now create Animal NPCs and companions
  • Fixed the bug with stackable toggle in effects tab
  • Added advanced manager for merchant assortiment which will allow you to remove or move around certain items
  • Added arcane magic stat in item creation tab

Thank you for your support!

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