- Dungeon improvement - 3 new ranged enemies Blob thrower, Diamond Eye, Running Cactus will often complement existing mobs adding some ranged pressure in each room.
- The Furnace in Brams Workshop no longer works like a normal furnace. It now smelts jewelry into ores.
- More longer, winding dungeons (this only applies for new games, dungeons in old saves do not generate to these updated settings)
- Minimum of at least 1 Black Pipi is guaranteed to spawn each of the first 3 days
- Moving directions in chair made player change to standing pose
- Left clicking then right clicking twice on inventory item no longer bugs out
- Calvins upstairs bathroom counter graphic flight fixed
- Being captured by Spooklets no longer stuck on black screen
- Musuem prizes weren’t being awarded when redeemed using points.
- Pixie guardian no longer freezes on releasing pixies
- Issues with festivals hanging at start fixed.
Known Issues:
- Pet can stop at base of penguin post when leaving
- Raining in greenhouse
- Caterpillars spawning in sky tiles
Changed files in this update