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Million Monster Militia update for 25 September 2023

Major Update #1 - Goats From Hell

Share · View all patches · Build 12278216 · Last edited 26 September 2023 – 08:33:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

**Attention Generals!

We have received a report from the frontlines - the invasion has entered a new phase, and we’ll need to adapt to the changes accordingly.

Be prepared for anything; there is certainly more to come. **

Today, we release our first major update for Million Monster Militia. This update contains a new unit (the GOAT), new missions, and a whole bunch of quality of life improvements, balance changes, and bug fixes.

Thank you all for your continued support, we absolutely love reading your suggestions on the Steam forums and in the Discord. Keep them coming! We look forward to adding more in future updates!

Release Notes

New Unit:

  • The GOAT (Demon/Special) - Appears in Mission 3 with the Send to Hell modifier. Each GOAT receives the total damage of every unit you send to Hell, this happens accumulatively through out the mission. Sadly, GOATs cannot be sent to Hell themselves.

New Mechanics:

  • Modifiers Introduction: We're introducing a new mission modifier called "Send to Hell." Upon defeating each boss, your militia will undergo redeployment, and you will have to choose a column of units to send to Hell. As a reward for this daring decision, 1 GOAT will be added to your militia. Notably, each time you send units to Hell, all the GOATs in your militia will accumulate the base damage of the consigned units, continually bolstering their own strength.

New Squads:

  • Vanilla Zombies
  • Frog Squad

New Missions:

We've added two new missions (previously "Ascensions"), taking you to the South and the East Coast.
New missions feature all new bosses and a higher difficulty curve.

QoL Changes:


  • New mission select screen
  • New boss curve graph for run selection
  • Added tooltips on hover to a variety of game elements.
  • Enhanced VFX for portals

Balance Changes:

  • Webbing - Webbing is now only produced by Aracks and not a selectable item.
  • Monkey God - Monkey God has a slightly increased chance to roll 0x damage multiplier.
  • Stasis Ring - Stasis Ring will no longer activate when the boss is defeated that turn.
  • Alchemist - Now randomly duplicates 1 adjacent Gold, Silver, Empty Canister, or Scrap Metal.
  • Silver - Now only works on adjacent Weredragons instead of 2 spaces away.

Note: we are in the process of looking at the materials Silver, Gold, Scrap Metal, Empty Canisters. The Alchemist and Silver change is a step in the right direction, but in a future update we will be adding a broader synergy to those Items.

Bug Fixes:

  • Addressed an issue where the "Groper" and "Mimic" units were unintentionally getting multiplier effect graphics.
  • Fixed Whiskey uses.
  • Fixed the boss number displaying the wrong value.
  • Fixed an issue where boss info pop-up couldn’t be closed.
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