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FFFL: Brutal Ball Manager update for 25 September 2023

Bounties and Coach Events!

Share · View all patches · Build 12277613 · Last edited 25 September 2023 – 20:09:31 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Added many new events
Bounties - One losing team each week will be granted a bounty, If the team places a bounty on a player their team appeal will drop by 1. If they reject the bounty then they gain 1 appeal.
Players with a bounty will have a 20% durability debuf for 10 games (during the playoffs bounties are postponed until following season).
Any team that injures or kills a player with a bounty will gain money (which reduces the salary spent by the team)

Coach Events - each week there is a chance for a coach event based on the coach's hidden personality
GREED - ask for more money. Accept +1 APPEAL Reject -1 APPEAL
LOYALTY - will accept less money Accept lower coach salary Reject +1 Appeal
DEDICATION - extra practice Accept -1 APPEAL, Free Team Training Reject - nothing happens
RELIABILITY - cut budget Accept reduce Salary Spent by 500-1000 gp -1 APPEAL Reject - nothing happens
ACCEPTANCE - counseling for team Accept Spend 500 gp +1 APPEAL improve player personalities, Reject -1 APPEAL
MORALE - skip practices, Accept +2 APPEAL, players lose 1 DUR Reject -1 APPEAL
LEADERSHIP - emergency relief, Accept +2 APPEAL, player -10% DUR 1 Game, Reject -1 APPEAL

New Personal Growth Event
Player asks for 4 weeks off, gets personality improvements and +1 APPEAL, can't play for next 4 non-play-off games.

MOD VARIABLE RESET FOR ALL LEAGUES - this was necessary due to adding new mod variables for the bounties

Injury Report - there is now an injury report button in the league menu to see all the injuries during the season

Fixed several issues with players on the sideline being in bounds or not.

Many minor bug fixes and UI tweaks

Windows Depot 2393811
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